HP-600 and midi I/O's?


New member
Well I have a old Roland HP-600 and was wondering what the midi in/outs/thru does? I could hook it up to my soundcard and use it as a controller? (e.g. Vsti's in Sonar 4) Would I be able to create bass guitar parts with my HP-600. I was reading on some things with midi in Sonar and it was talkin about channels and velocity thingys. Plz leave detail.

I know this is a 2 part question but I thought I would ask it here instead of at the Calkwalk forum.

Well I'll find out on my own np. I'm not posting this to get attention. I'm just bored and I couldn't help/knock on someones tune for the moment. GL, HF.

livilaNic said:
What exactly does GL, HF mean?

In order to use an older keyboard with a midi setup it is crucial that there be a 'local on/off' feature, probably found on the utility or maybe the global page. Setting this to 'off' will break the connection between the sound source and the keyboard.

You will also need some kind of audio/midi interface if you really want to explore midi and audio recording. I use one of these --- http://www.zzounds.com/a--2676837/prodsearch?form=prodsearch&q=Tascam+US-122&submit.x=13&submit.y=12 and have had no trouble with it.
ssscientist said:
What exactly does GL, HF mean?

In order to use an older keyboard with a midi setup it is crucial that there be a 'local on/off' feature, probably found on the utility or maybe the global page. Setting this to 'off' will break the connection between the sound source and the keyboard.

You will also need some kind of audio/midi interface if you really want to explore midi and audio recording. I use one of these --- http://www.zzounds.com/a--2676837/prodsearch?form=prodsearch&q=Tascam+US-122&submit.x=13&submit.y=12 and have had no trouble with it.

It means "GoodLuck" "HaveFun"

I was going to get an E-mu 0404 http://www.musiciansfriend.com/srs7/g=rec/s=computer/search/bigpid/base_id/116903/

Thx for your time. :D

duck said:

Thx for the info.
