How's my Metal mix?

I think the bass could definitely come up, what are you using to record guitars? I don't know if it was the EZDrummer's sounds but the guitar sounds synthetic to me. Other than that, the actual tone is great and everything is clear.
Have you tried fiddling around with Guitar Rig's settings? I've gotten some pretty realistic sounds from using different mics, positions, and cabs. Just open your favorite amp sound and use the Mic and Cabinet component to try different miking settings.
I use a Toneport and you might try using less gain on the amp and give the "Classic " distortion pedal a try. You can tweak it to shape just about any tone you want. Try different cabs, some may surprise you.
that guitar sound is pretty hashy! nothing you didn't already know, though...

i'm with yamilv and riffmaster. you should be able to get a usable sound out of what you have by experimenting with it.

the biggest mistake i made was going out and buying more crap before i truly understood how to use what i already had. a lot of that stuff is now sitting around collecting dust.

not that a tube amp is a bad thing to buy, mind you...:D
The tone definitely sounds better, I think what's giving the impression of synthetic guitars aren't the guitars themselves but it may be the patch you're using in EZ Drummer. It's the drums that are throwing me off.

Here are the clips I mentioned earlier. Not exactly the same sound you're going for, but it is all direct. They're both from the same unfinished opus magnus, the first one's an intro, the second one's a mid section breakdown. Just be patient with the neo-classical crap and you'll hear some thick guitars. (On the second one, hang in there--the heavy guitars come in at the end. They're a decent example of letting the bass cover the bottom end to build the thick sound):

The Intro -

The Mid -

BTW--no compression on any of the individual guitar tracks. Just some MBC & limiting (fairly mild in each case) on the master buss.
I listened to the into and the mid and the guitar tone is fairly tight, I think I will have to reduce the gain quite a bit to achieve the same thing.

I have rolled off the low-end on the guitar to make room for the bass but it's worth taking a second look to see if there's room for improvement, I think the problem is getting a bass sound to fill in that gap, currently, as others have stated, the bass is to quiet and probably the particular bass synth I am using is not suitable.

I also want to get rid of the comps on each track and just use one on the master like you did, but I lose quite a bit of volume, dunno what to do about that yet.

Thanks for the help Whitestrat.
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No problem! Good luck with it. Post another sample after you play with the bass--I think that'll help a lot.
It's the retarded kick drum that's making this clip sound ridiculous. The guitars would be fine without that silly drum sample machine gunning away.
Ok I uploaded Version 3 and made the following changes in accord with some of the suggestions:

1. Brought out the bass a little
2. Added some room sound to the drums and changed the rhythm.
- I should probably program the rhythm rather than using presets, but I think I will leave this when I actually work on the composition

I decided to keep the compressors at the tracking level as well as at the master level it was the only way I can get the sound I wanted.

Thanks again for the help dudes:

Version 3:
One thing to try is to take the gain down and just do more takes to thicken it up. I've been using the POD/guitar port/DI Plug in for a long time now. I've also used Amplitube which I didn't like as much as the line 6 gear. I would say don't ever put the gain over 60% because you lose clarity and gain fuzziness that just sounds bad and screams that you are using a modeler.

As far as the last mix goes, the guitars are very loud and just trump everything else. Just work on the levels and it should be alright.
OK last one I promise:

I changed the guitar tone a bit and brought the drums forward I think the overall mix is a bit better, let me know what you guys think. I want to start recording my demos soon hopefully I am getting close:

Also all the version now refer to the same song since I cant edit the original post.