How would you mic a drum kit with my mics?


New member
Okay, I usually record folk/bluegrass music and when I do my own stuff if it needs drums, I usually use samples. This weekend however, I will be recording a "rawk" band that will have a real kit. We will be overdubbing after laying down initial guide tracks as we are working with limited attic space. How would you record the drum kit given the list of Mics below. I know this is subjective and depends on what you like, but what would be the first arrangement you would try.

If you want, feel free to comment on what you would use for other instruments as well (bass, electric guitar, hand percussion, acoustic guitar, slide dobro).

Here's the list of what I have available:

Multiple SM57s
1 SM58
3 TLM 103s
1 BLUE Baby Bottle
1 AT 3035
2 MXL 603s
1 Octava MC012
2 EV 635A
1 GT AM62 (multi-pattern tube mic)
1 Crown PZM Mic

I am worried about what to use as the kick mic as there isn't a clearcut kick mic in the bunch.

Pre's I will have available:

4 Channel Sytek
2 Pres on Digi001
2 Pres on Presonus Blue Tube
2 Pres on Even EZBus
APprox. 4 pres on an old Mackie mixer, if they all still work.

I'm interested in seeing how you guys would approach this.

Thanks in advance,

This is what I'd do with what you have. I'd put up the 603's as a spaced pair of overheads to two channels of the Sytek.
I'd put one TLM 103 on the rack toms and one on the floor tom to two channels of the Mackie.
I'd put a 57 inside the kick and one on the snare to the other two channels of the Sytek.
Then I'd put the AM-62 out in front of the kick about 3' in cardiod to another Mackie channel.
This would be simular to how I normally mic drums.
I use either AT-4033's or Octava MC-012's as overheads tp two channels of an HHB mic pre, AKG C-1000's on rack toms to teh HHB, a AKG C-3000 on floor tom to the HHB, a C-1000 on the snare to an Envoice MindPrint, an AKG D-112 inside the kick to a DBX 386 and a GT AM-52 in cardiod out in front of the kick to the other side of the DBX. It works for me.
Here's what I'd try:

* Crown PZM inside the kick.

* sm57 on the beater (try flipping the phase).

* 2 603s overhead.

* 57s on everything else -- if you like micing everything. 57 on snare only if you prefer a simpler approach.

* Baby bottle several feet in front of the kit . . . about even, moreless, with the kick drum, or I'd pick a spot that sounds good and plant it there.

I'd run the important tracks throught the sytek (2 overheads, kick, snare) . . . and for the rest, just use whatever is convenient.
Thanks for the replies so far. I will definitely start simply and fill in the gaps as my ears hear them when setting up.

Should be a lot of fun.

Anyone else have suggestions?

2 tlm103 overhead
sm 57 on toms
sm57-58 on snare
crown pzm in kick
and if you trust the drummer :D
tlm103 on floortom
dragonfly or am62 a few inces in front of snare ´looking´
over the rim

gr. remco

I just acquired a EV RE20 to use on the kick (and later for voiceover). Managed to get a good deal as it was unpackaged and the last one th store had.

How would this change the suggested setups?


DUDE! You're gonna LOVE the RE-20 inside the kick.

I agree with Remco... put the TLM-103's as overheads, SM57 on snare, the GT62 in front of the kick (2 or 3' away, check phase), and if you wanna do the rest of the kit as well, 57's on rack toms, MXL 603 on snare bottom... maybe the Baby Bottle as a room mic, or a TLM-103 as a room mic.

Have the vocalist sing into one of these (TLM-103, Baby Bottle, GT62).
I usually mic a kit with 4 or maybe 5 mics:
oh L \_________ both hard panned left and right.
oh R /

and a condenser in the middle of the kit (as a sort of MID-overhead, pan 12 o' clock)

These 3 OH's will give a great sense of space.
to all these folks who are suggesting using the TLM 103s as tom mics or as overheads, i'm wondering how many have actually tried it?

My TLM103 is so hot, that even as a distant room mic (for drums) I have to pad the hell out of it with in-line pads and/or preamp pads. I can't imagine using it anywhere close to a loud drum set.
littledog said:
to all these folks who are suggesting using the TLM 103s as tom mics or as overheads, i'm wondering how many have actually tried it?

My TLM103 is so hot, that even as a distant room mic (for drums) I have to pad the hell out of it with in-line pads and/or preamp pads. I can't imagine using it anywhere close to a loud drum set.

The things are putting out line level. Skip the preamp altogether.
That's what I do with my QTC-1's.:p
How's that for a clean path?
yeah, m. i've got the qtc's too, and i've considered bypassing the mic pre, but haven't gotten around to trying it yet because my patchbay is kind of in the way (all my Pro Tools inputs are plugged into a TT bay) - i'd have to go crawling around the back...
as far as the Re-20.. I used the RE-20 on the kick along with the D112 this way:

RE-20 on the beater.. (insert mic through sound hole all but 1" on kick (if it has one) ... in my situation the drum's hole was at about 3 O'Clock
D-112 outside the kick 1" off the resonating Head and just to the left of the sound hole. pointed slightly donw and straight back (10 degrees down and perpendicular to teh drum head width-wise)

that was just how I did the Kick.. it was for a Jazz band.. it rocked.
the pres were those on the Tascam Board in the studio. I think it was a 32X8X2.. something like that.. not sure of the model #.

Peace and good luck finding that elusive Kick sound.. when you find it you will be very hapy and there WILL be rejoicing... just don't rejoice into the mic stands... take a picture before rejoicing... especially if alcohol is involved.