How To Soundcheck?


New member
Hey there guys, I'm aware this is a very wide open question as it depends on your gear, their gear, the sound your going for etc. But I was wondering if there are any guides anywhere? I tried googling but didn't really get much.

I don't really have any specific questions on the whole 'How To Sound Check' thing, but I guess I'm just wonderinging if theres a BBS somewhere :). Because there doesn't seem to be any section on this board dedicated to it. There IS a 'Live Events' section, but it seems to mean 'Events in Real Life'.

Any links to guides or sites or other forums on the subject of Live Sound (or more specifically - sound checking), would be fantastic!

Start with a good sound in room.
After that, do some test recordings and see what your monitors produce. All in all the sound the monitors produce is what the listener will hear. Duh :p

If possible, do a quick recording of all the instruments. Dont do anymixing. See how all the instruments sound in mono. If it sounds good the odds are the stero mix will sound better.
Do you mean a sound check for a live gig or a volume lvl check for recording multiple instruments at one time? The goal of either is to get a well ballanced sound but the steps are slightly different in a studio from in a gig setting.
in the studio look at your level meters, keep them out of the red and balance instruments through headphones.

Live situation a couple suggestions...if you have a soundman, let him do the sound check


use a wireless on your guitar, have the guys play while you are out front playing along with them, then adjust accordingly....oh, and have the non-singing bass player say checkin 1...2...3... OR testing 1...2...3...
OR mic check, mic check

if you have friends along at the gig....never ask them.

btw has a front of house
The only way to sound Czech is to speak in a a Czech accent.
Seeing as how I am 50% Czech, I can speak with some authority here. The best way to do this is to fill your mouth with breaded pork cutlets, bread dumplings and pork gravy, and sauerkraut. You may or may not sound Czech, but it's a tasty way to fail :).

Seeing as how I am 50% Czech, I can speak with some authority here. The best way to do this is to fill your mouth with breaded pork cutlets, bread dumplings and pork gravy, and sauerkraut. You may or may not sound Czech, but it's a tasty way to fail :).

G. and food. :D :p
I'm sorry, but you're both wrong. The correct way is:

Actually you're wrong too, the complete technically correct version is...

Off mic...'Is this thing on?'

On mic...'Shhh, Shhhh, Check, check, one two, check, check, testes, testes, check one two...'
...I guess I'm just wonderinging if theres a BBS somewhere :). Because there doesn't seem to be any section on this board dedicated to it. There IS a 'Live Events' section, but it seems to mean 'Events in Real Life'.

Any links to guides or sites or other forums on the subject of Live Sound (or more specifically - sound checking), would be fantastic!


THIS is the answer to your question.

Read the forum descriptions and rules before you post. They like to keep all topics in the right forum categories. Also they want real names not screennames. Other than that, it's a cool place.

I hope it helps.
I had a sound czeck come into my eye clinic last week. I asked him to read the bottom line on the eye chart. He says "Read it?, I know him!" doh:p
Can't be too sound with a pun like that!
Oh, I did sound for a band once in the mid 70's and the bass player did the mic tests. He enunciated beautifully into each mic, "One, two buckle my boot."
Still can't work out if it was ultra cool or a total tug.