How to save money building a studio without compromising sound quality.

'Budget' gear - whose budget? The 'first timer' may have $200 or $2000 - do you give the same equipment advice to everyone? ;)

Most important advice: read read read everything you can before buying anything. There is a minimum list of equipment needed to start out, and there is a pretty steep learning curve. I suspect at least half of the people who start out wanting to 'do it all' give up at some point. From people I have talked to in person, it seems at least 75% believe they cannot record/mix themselves.

i agree, i have friends who work in the gold mine and buy 6 string bass guitars and 8 string guitars and can't even play for shit. lol.. their budget is quite huge. i do believe that unless your trying to make a huge career out of music, mid ranged gear is good, as long as your an ok player.
If you want decent preamps, I strongly suggest FMR audio RNPs. I have one and compared to a Joe Meek TwinQ ($1400) and an Audient ASP008 ($1700 for 8 channels) the FMR definitely holds its own. Plus their customer support is excellent.

Also recommend Naiant mics. I got a pair of SDCs for $130 and they certainly get the job done.

For the budget minded,what's important or not and general recording philosophy check out these Google hits.

Daptone Records
Steve Albini Electrical Audio

I found them very useful.
