How to record drums to seperate tracks??


New member
what can i use so that when i record drums all the seperate mics (snare, kick, tom1, tom2, floor tom, and overhead 1 and 2) come up on a program on seperate tracks? is it possible?

I use audacity or REAPER and am wondering whether i could actually do this as it would make my recording much easier.

Most all recording programs allow you to record multiple tracks at the same time. The limiting factor as stated is your sound card/interface. If it only has two inputs (left and right) then no. You can only do two at throw. If you want 8 seperate tracks all recorded at once, you need a card with at least 8 seperate inputs.
or a firepod.

8 mic inputs, great sound, very easy to set up.


You can go with a multi input sound card, but there are so many driver issues to consider, plus installing it...... It may as a general rule be a bit more expensive, but definitely take a look at standalone interfaces which route multiple inputs thru a single usb or firewire port. (firepod, muto 828, lexicon omega....)