How to promote a band out of state/Tips for touring


New member
So I'm in a band that has its first out of state shows coming up. We're playing at the Black Forest in Eugene July 11th and the Tonic Lounge in Portland July 12th.

So I've got 2 questions:
1. How do we best promote these shows while we're still in CA? I've been trying the myspace thing to add people in the area that listen to our type of music, but it seems about 1% effective as most don't accept band requests, or people won't listen because they're desensitized to 1,000 bands adding them per month.

We're also trying to get played on KDUCK, the UOregon station, and some other local radio stations, and we have a handful of friends in the Portland Eugene area.

2. What are some of your tips for the traveling band? This is the first multi-show traveling we've done, so any advice for the travels/cost part would be appreciated.


PS - So I have to shamelessly plug my band here. We are something like indie/alternative rock with some psychedelic sounds. Take a listen here:
Here are my thoughts, not that I've tried all of these before, but it sounds like a good idea to me...

1. Get your music on that radio station, and try sending press packs to a few other smaller stations to see if you can't get some play and a plug. Who knows, maybe they'll even have you on the show if someone likes your stuff.

2. If your "Oregonian friends" are good friends, try to sweet talk them into taking some demo discs that you print before-hand (maybe one or two recorded tracks on a disc with your info and the info about your upcoming shows somewhere on the disc or packaging) to the venue you'll be playing on the night of a big show, to a big show locally that would be in the same "vein" as your music, and to nearby "places-of-interest" like coffee shops, etc. They can hand them out (street team-esque) and get a good response.

3. Have your friends put up flyers at the venue promoting your show.

4. Instead of random-adding people on myspace in that area, look for bands who have a similar sound to your band in the area, and work at adding all of their friends. And send them all a message as well, asking them to listen and if they like it, send you a message in reply with their thoughts. Getting them into a one-on-one conversation will get them connected, and the more connected they are, the more likely they will come to the show (and bring friends).

5. On the day of the show, be in that city! Be on the streets handing out flyers and demo discs! Meet the people. Take the city in. It helps, and it will keep your nerves at ease too!

And as far as tips on touring...

1. Don't spend money on food. Bring as much sandwich material and salad stuff as you can. Avoid fast food entirely. Then on the last night go out to eat to celebrate. You'll save money and you wont feel like sh!t on stage. You will thank me for this one, as will your bandmates

2. Buy gas at Safeway or Costco. It'll save you a few cents. Make sure you get directions to these ahead of time if you dont have a working net laptop or GPS on the road.

3. Don't rent a Uhaul, at all costs. Find someone who will let you use their trailor. Or use someone's van if you don't have one. Uhaul will see you coming and will FOR SURE rip you off.

4. BRING MERCHANDISE! You will never make any money if you don't have a CD! a SHIRT and some STICKERS.

Hope all this helps! Being in a touring band is hard work ;) But if you love the people you're with, it will be the most fun of your life.
Go there a day early and start putting up flyers around the venues and the area. Go to the local music store and ask if you can put up a flyer. Drop 50 CD's (demo or full) at the CD store for them to hand out for free and tell the people about the concert.
Contact all the local college radio stations, if your good they'll spin your music and advertise your concert. Plus all the young college crowd will know about it, they're the funnest.

I just noticed your show was over already as this thread is a week old, howd it go?

pay somebody $50 to go put flyers in eery guitar center in the cities our of state that you'll be touring in. guitar center encourages this.