How to loop in song mode on the motif?


New member
I just got a motif today.Iwas wondering if I was in song mode and I made a drum beat how do you loop it through the whole song? :confused:
You don't.

If i'm not mistaken, in Song Mode you gotta copy your drum pattern for the duration of the song if you just want it to loop over & over. The song itself can loop after the last bar plays, if you want.

What you may wanna do is work in Pattern Mode. There you can set your Motif to loop at the desired number of bars. Once you've got your track's different parts sequenced, you can convert your pattern to a song. Once your patterns are in song mode, you can add to whatever tracks you like, change things, etc (like add fills to your drums & such). A cool thing about Pattern Mode is you can set each track to different lengths. Say your drum tracks roll for 4 bars, then loop... You can set the number of bars for a different track at, for example, 8 bars. In this fashion, your drums will loop every four bars, and you can play a lead line for 8 - or whatever the hell you wanna do. Gives a bit of flexibility when working in pattern mode - not so boxed in.

I believe there's a way to record track mutes & such if you wanna arrange your patterns into a song manually on-the-fly. Maybe, I got that confused with another box, but I think you can do that with your Motif, too.

Check your manual, it's pretty sorry in my opinion, but that stuff is in there.

Check here, too.

<click the "behind the manual" link>

Check all the Power User docs, too. They explain things way better than the manual, too.

Good luck.
