How to lock my In and Out Loop markers in Cubase?


New member
Hi I'm using Cubase 5 and Im about to export a series of stems so its imperative that my In and Out markers dont move so my stems will line up. Given that its SO easy to accidentally reposition the marker when clicking the timeline in Cubase, is there anyway I can lock these points?

Moving thread to Cubase forum. May get more help there.

I am not aware of any way to lock the markers, but you could create a dummy event that is the exact length of your items to be exported. Select that event and press 'P' (Locators to Selection). This will line up your markers at the exact points in case you accidentally move one.
Hello Hegs,

#1 As an alternative you can use the Arranger Track, then set up part A or B using the locators, in case you move the markers or the locators by accident you can always select that part and press "P" as Jimmy mentioned.

Best regards,