How to install and locate content in Cubase 5


New member
i recently installed some vst to my pc to use with cubase,the standalone application when openned directly produces sound (it works),but the application in cubase does not ,is there a way to configure cubase so it reads(locates) the content?
Please be more specific by answering the following questions:

1. What VSTi's, specifically, are you attempting to use in Cubase?
2. Have you routed either a MIDI track to it, or coupled it to an instrument track?
3. Are you using the correct MIDI channel (channel 1 is default)?
4. Is monitoring enabled on the MIDI or instrument track in question?

Cheers :)
thanks for replying

i was trying to hook up cakewalk virtual bass
i managed to fix the issue it was a misconfigured channel in the mixer
now im trying to figure out some other issues but that will be another post
thanks for your input