How to hook up a GLS ES-57 to my laptop


New member
I am a deeply technologically ignorant person and I want to get an ES-57 and record with it (using the n-track studios program) on my laptop. In extremely simple terms, what steps would I need to take to accomplish this? Thank you very much for your help.
you need simple interface(sound card) like m-audio fast track mk2 and xlr cable and you are good to go.
So just to be clear, an XLR cable will plug into the microphone and into an audio interface such as the Tascam US-100, which I can then plug into my computer? If this is the case, would the Tascam (or a similar item) presumably come with a cable that would allow me to plug it into my computer? I am aware of how profoundly inept I am appearing by asking these questions, but this is all like speaking a foreign language to me. Thank you.
So just to be clear, an XLR cable will plug into the microphone and into an audio interface such as the Tascam US-100, which I can then plug into my computer?


If this is the case, would the Tascam (or a similar item) presumably come with a cable that would allow me to plug it into my computer?

Maybe, Maybe Not. It would just use a standard USB Type B Cable.