How to get this vocal effect/mix


New member
YouTube - Rookie Of The Year - Don't Tear Me Apart

the vocals in that song sound like it has a pre/post delay and a regular vocal track. can anyone help me clarify anything else about it? i know there's more to it! appreciate any advice/help i can get :)

Man, there are tons of effects on this vocal. Multi tracking, Clearly delay, I'm hearing autotune, a hint of flange.

Post a link dude, I had to hunt for this on Youtube. Most people won't bother.
sorry i did post a link from youtube, turned out weird...sorry.
and sorry for double posting. i just thought more people would get the chance to look at my question. but heres another link...

Rookie of the Year on™

play the song Don't Tear Me Apart

I'm mainly concerned with how to get the affect during the verses. I know there's some sort of pre/post delay, but it all seems to blend together and doesnt sound so rough.

Another song you could check out by them that doesnt have delay and may help figure out the the vocals a little more is here YouTube - Rookie of the Year - Bizzare Love Triangle (Cover).mp4

might just be mostly reverb i guess. im just having a really hard time mixing vocals to get this sound :(

sorry about this :\