How to figure out tags for your music?


New member
This might be a bit of an odd question, but one problem I always come across when it comes to writing tags on, SoundCloud, Youtube, Bandcamp, etc. when I release a song through them, is the tag section. I always write in the song name, artist name, then genre, but after that I'm stumped. Does anyone have any advice or what they do when it comes to writing in tags to get the most out of it? Any tags that bring the most attention to it? Any general advice or tips in this would be appreciated.

Keep in mind I'm not looking for lame and sort of, almost unethical things, such as tagging "Lady Gaga", "Justin Bieber" or anything of that sort ("unethical" may be a bit of an overkill to describe it, but you guys get what I mean :P).

Thanks ahead!
How are tags actually used these days? Do they help determine the "related" videos/songs? I assume their impact on search rankings is pretty negligible.

Does anybody have any useful links on the subject?

I personally just tag most of my stuff with the band and genre name and sometimes with "music" and/or "live".