I'll check it out on my laptop later.
Anytime I'm on the forum, I'm using my phone.

Do you also have a youtube or just your site?

Thanks for checking
Ok, here's some thoughts.
First off it annoyed me to have to sign up to see your videos.
I didnt even get to downloading the pdf files.

The videos while kind of ok, but very well produced, seem too much like an infomercial.

Or one of these motivational get rich seling real estate shows.

It's a very well done commercial, but still just a commercial.

What is the end goal?

Are you going to be selling full kits?

Out of the goodness of your heart and love of music gear, are you just going to release info on how to source parts and build these?

Come on, lets deliver the baby. This pregnancy is taking too long....for me.:D

I know you have others all excited, but for myself, I've lost interest.....all in less than 24 hours.

What's your end goal??
...I've lost interest.....all in less than 24 hours.


I'm never taking you out on a date!
Well...maybe if I work fast. :p

Seriously though...I get what you mean about the "infomercial/motivational" vibe.
It's an awful big build-up just to provide info to people how to make their own studio toys.
There's got to be in most "self help" videos, you eventually get to the part where you're asked to buy something.

Me...I was looking to buy a finished unit. ;)
Thanks for the feedback RFR - I really appreciate it!

well you don't have to sign up to watch the videos - the current video is always on the landing page.
You could also just visit the website every time I release a new one and watch it.

But to every video there's a PDF with way more detailed information on the actual topic. And in order to download them you have to opt-in.
The only way I could have all that organized on one page is the way I did it: current video visible for everybody - all other videos including the e-papers only visible for subscribers.
I think this is a fair deal considering how much work went into all of it.

I didnt even get to downloading the pdf files.

:) Well you should do so - especially number 3 and 4. The third PDF shares everything on how the LA2A actually works and what it does - and the 4th one is a 24-pages wiring layout with lots of information on how to actually wire it up - from beginning to end...

Come on, lets deliver the baby. This pregnancy is taking too long....for me.:D

WORD - as mentioned before I actually finished the last video and the BOM days ago, but I'm waiting on a friend who helps me putting it all online until he finds the time to do so.
It WILL definitely be released before the end of this week.

Regarding where this is going:
If you followed this thread from the beginning you can see where I'm coming from - and in the last video I outlined where this series is going:

I started to build these pieces of gear for myself - designed authentic chassis for them and had them manufactured -> posted pics on group DIY -> people were going crazy about the chassis -> made the chassis available for others through group buys -> getting tons of mails with questions on how to do this and that...

The analogvibes platform I'm trying to create is supposed to address that - and this series is a first step:

I'll be opening a new group buy after the next episode to make these custom made "Tube Opto Compressor" chassis kits available to you guys (just like we did it on groupdiy back then)
And in order to address most of the potential questions on the horizon, I created the videos and e-papers to share all the necessary information you need for the build including a detailed list of what parts you need and where to get them.

Of course I didn't create all the content just for this first series - it's supposed to become part of the knowledge base on the analogvibes platform later. So that's my motivation.

hope that helps ;)
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It wouldn't let me access ANYTHING unless i signed up.

I'll check some of the pdf material and re evaluate.

Those were my intitial impressions and honest feedback.

Keep in mind, if it turned me off, who happens to be someone interested in building some of this gear, it possibly can turn off others.

Now I realize you've put a lot of work into this and i applaud you, but the marketing of it is a bit off.

Besides you haven't even stated what your end goal is, even when asked directly.

It's just 'stay tuned till the next episode'. have to opt-in.

Opt-in for what? If the info is all for free, why do people need to opt-in?

See...when you started, you made it seem like you were just looking to share your info with others and to chat about DIY.
I think where you were always (and are) actually headed, is a point where you're going to sell kits....and all these videos and the website...was to set that up.
Granted people can use the info and source their own parts, but anyone doing these DIY projects will ultimately come to you, since you've set it up that way.

Now...there's absolutely nothing wrong with starting a business enterprise. Good luck with it. :thumbs up:
It's just the way you slowly pulled people in with all the infomercials and vintage audio talk, as though you're not really in it for any business... you were just doing it for the fun and being helpful to others...which was/is kinda deceptive.

I think I understand why you don't want to build/sell complete units...there's too much legal overhead, considering that you've "borrowed" from patented designs.
So by doing it as DYI's all just parts, and nothing crossing the line...though I'm wondering if using the patented blueprints creates any potential legal issues.
The companies that build clones, either pay for the right, or they redesign and make some changes to the original circuits, just enough to keep it legal...
....but that's for you to sort out.
Not to mention, there's all the liability stuff if you were to build electronic gear to sell to others.

Speaking of can now buy a Pultec-style EQ box all built and with full manufacturer warranty....for $300.
There certainly may be some "cool" factor for a DIY build...but it's still not the original, vintage piece...and kit-built gear rarely has great resale, because a lot of it is about the skill and QC of the kit builder.

Anyway...since you're not planning to sell completely built units...I'm going to order a pair of the Pultec clones for $600. :cool:
In the meantime, I'll check back for your sales pitch when it comes. :)
Hey guys - finally some discussion :D

It wouldn't let me access ANYTHING unless i signed up.

Well, there is always a video streaming directly on the landing page - you don't have to access anything. That's what I was talking about. The latest video is alway right there in front of you.
If this video on the landing page is not playing for you without entering your email, something is wrong.

Those were my intitial impressions and honest feedback.

Keep in mind, if it turned me off, who happens to be someone interested in building some of this gear, it possibly can turn off others.

I get your point and I really appreciate your feedback!

Now...there's absolutely nothing wrong with starting a business enterprise. Good luck with it. :thumbs up:
It's just the way you slowly pulled people in with all the infomercials and vintage audio talk, as though you're not really in it for any business... you were just doing it for the fun and being helpful to others...which was/is kinda deceptive.

Again, I see where you're coming from.
But believe me, if this was all about business for me, I would have just posted or placed an ad saying something like "buy my stuff" instead of spending hundreds of hours doing the research, cutting videos and creating all that content for you (which by the way I did all by myself), actually delivering valuable information on the topic which in this depth, and with all the artwork and illustrations, can't be found anywhere on the web.
I'm pretty sure if this was about making money in the first place I can find much better ways (like actually doing some work in my studio)

And I don't feel like being or having been deceptive in any way. Go back to my initial post - right there (even highlighted) I added a link, pointing to my White Market Thread on Group DIY where I sell my chassis designs.
And judging from the countless mails and comments I got so far, the majority of people has grasped that. I outlined and I also talk about it in more detail in the last video, how I started to do all this for myself, and after posting some of the stuff on GDIY more and more people asked me if they could have a chassis like that as well. Which led to arranging group-buys - meaning I collected orders - and the more joined the group buy, the cheaper it would get to have these chassis manufactured. simple.

And that's what I'm doing here as well - offering a group buy. No big business - putting our money together to bring down manufacturing costs and making it happen.
Now back to my motivation why I did all this: as a result of doing these group buys I received more and more mails - sometimes dozens every day. And I found myself answering the same questions over and over again.
That's when I thought, I have to create a knowledge base to gather all this information around my projects where most of these questions are answered and where a community can grow around these projects where people help each other. This is what I'm going for and that's exactly what I wrote in my initial post.

At the end of the day, I provide you with literally ALL information you need to build such a legendary piece of gear yourself (you're welcome) and if you decide you want to take all this information you got from me and build the gear using your own chassis instead or get some cheap chinese chassis - hey, no hard feelings :)

And honestly - I totally see your point. You don't know me and if I was you, I would probably feel the same.
If you're really interested just dig a little deeper into group DIY and you see where I'm coming from and how far it all goes in terms of sharing knowledge for the sake of it ;)

Speaking of can now buy a Pultec-style EQ box all built and with full manufacturer warranty....for $300.
There certainly may be some "cool" factor for a DIY build...but it's still not the original, vintage piece...

Can you post a link to the $300 Pultec? I'd really like to know what's in there for $300 calling it a "Pultec" :rolleyes:

And I agree, many DIY "pultecs" are some "cool" factor DIY builds.
But what I went for and what many others did with my chassis, is building faithful re-creations of vintage units with original vintage components throughout the entire circuit:

And there's another pic of one of my first EQP-1As - even though not yet fully wired up (output transformer is still missing)
As you can see this is not just another fancy kind of clone - it's basically more like a vintage unit with vintage components (even the wiring & color code is 100% true to the vintage units) only that it's built by me ;)

Now on the right that's a $700 kind of clone by Warm Audio and as you can see this has to do little with a real Pultec - which by any means doesn't mean it's not a nice sounding unit! Especially for the price.
And honestly - I totally see your point. You don't know me and if I was you, I would probably feel the same.

That's good..
I did ask some questions right at the start if you were planning to sell kits or parts...and you said, "no, for now I don't"...which is why this evolution of your video making/marketing, and the creating of a dedicated website, all just for some "DIY info" seemed a bit over the top, and why I felt that eventually you would be selling something, in some way.

So again...what are you planning to sell, and how much will it cost?
What does one of your complete kits for a Pultec-style clone cost?

AFA what makes a "Pultec"...well, TBH, your kits are not "Pultecs", they are just clones, even if you refer to them as "faithful replicas"...which is another word for clone.
Don't get me wrong...they look great. I was originally serious when I asked if you were planning to sell finished units, because I simply do not want to take the time to DIY.

The Warm EQP-WA you mentioned is now found in many pro studios, next to vintage Pultecs.
The $300 units I'm talking about cost even less than the Warm Audio versions...and the general consensus is that they sound as good or a bit better than the Warm the price makes it an easy decision.
When my order is shipped, I will let you know what they are...because they are now on back-order, and I don't need more people wanting to buy them. :)

Oh...and they will also be doing an LA2A style leveling amp...and a couple of other faves, all at prices too good to pass up, and hard to beat...DIY or otherwise.
Well, I went through the BOM for the LA-2A and checked the prices on everything. Including the chassis kit from Analog Vibes, the total came to about $1,120 USD, and that's before any shipping charges, which I'm sure will be quite substantial.

Unfortunately, that's well out of my league. But good luck with the business!
...the total came to about $1,120 USD, and that's before any shipping charges, which I'm sure will be quite substantial.

Let's not then have to also build the thing. Maybe not too difficult for some, but it adds to the cost....and if you were thinking of outfitting your studio with a few pairs of these...that's going to really add up. those kinds of prices, I wouldn't want to spend it on kits. As I mentioned earlier, their resale value is pretty low, because no one really trusts someone else's kit building skills...and in the end, they are still just clones (or "faithful reproductions" ;) ).
I would rather put the money into ready-built clones from manufacturers that do it regularly, have tech support lines, and offer warranties and guarantees that it's all UL approved and safe.

If it was like $300-$400 for a kit...then the money risk is negligible, and you might do it just for the fun.

Speaking of the LA2A...the same source I have for the $300 Pultec-style EQs, is already planning to also do an LA2A-style comp. Since this is pre-official announcement, I'm not going to say who at this point...but will be happy to post back when it is officially announced. Not sure of the planned price point for the LA2A...but judging by some of their other prices, it will be less expensive than most of the other clones out there now...kit or ready-built. :)
Let's not then have to also build the thing. Maybe not too difficult for some, but it adds to the cost....and if you were thinking of outfitting your studio with a few pairs of these...that's going to really add up. those kinds of prices, I wouldn't want to spend it on kits. As I mentioned earlier, their resale value is pretty low, because no one really trusts someone else's kit building skills...and in the end, they are still just clones (or "faithful reproductions" ;) ).
I would rather put the money into ready-built clones from manufacturers that do it regularly, have tech support lines, and offer warranties and guarantees that it's all UL approved and safe.

If it was like $300-$400 for a kit...then the money risk is negligible, and you might do it just for the fun.

Speaking of the LA2A...the same source I have for the $300 Pultec-style EQs, is already planning to also do an LA2A-style comp. Since this is pre-official announcement, I'm not going to say who at this point...but will be happy to post back when it is officially announced. Not sure of the planned price point for the LA2A...but judging by some of their other prices, it will be less expensive than most of the other clones out there now...kit or ready-built. :)

I agree. If it were about $600 for the kit, I'd maybe consider it. But like you said, the resale value is not guaranteed at all, and I think if you were to try to sell it, you'd be very lucky to get what you paid for it (not even mentioning the build time).

Of course I understand that even $1500 is very cheap compared to what you'd pay for an original vintage unit, but as you said, this is still a clone --- faithful replica or not --- and that's what people will see when they want to buy it.

I built a Tweed Champ clone a few years back. I think it cost around $450 in parts. But when I sold it, I could only get $350 for it.

I'm looking forward to hearing about your other source, though.
Well that seals my not being intersted.
Way too pricey for something I'd build myself with the possibility of screwing it up. :D
A couple of hundred, yeah. Over a grand? Nope. A firm solid nope.
Hey guys,

Even though in my opinion I can't imagine the cheap 300$ clones to come anywhere close to what we can get out of here, I totally get your point.
I had a EQP-1WA here at the studio a couple of months ago and it was absolutely no match to my Pultec EQP-1A. A nice sounding passive EQ yes, but no EQP-1A by any means.
And in terms of components that's just a logical consequence. Even the transformers for the Pultec (it has 3) are almost $300. Of course parts get cheaper when being mass produced, but still it would never be possible to have a unit retail for $300 while maintaining the same (or even anywhere close) quality. The WA unit didn't even have the 3rd transformer by the way.

The WA unit uses Cinemag transformers and they are very good. I know David Geren, who runs Cinemag, personally. We have worked together in the final stage of recreating the original Peerless S-217D Pultec output transformer. His work is top notch! But this heavy Pultec iron comes in at $225 ordering it directly from David which according to him is a different league compared to the tiny output transformer sitting in the WA unit.

I'm really really interested what's inside the 300$ box you mentioned Miroslav. Because if a unit retails for 300$ that means the cost in parts can't be above 75$ considering the unit has to be assembled, tested etc.
Event the WA guys who really try to cut it wherever possible to offer their "Pultec" for $800 or so couldn't get anywhere close to $300.

Apart from that I don't really get it - if this is a proper company that will release this clone, why you can't share what company it is? If they plan to sell a unit at this price point commercially, they will have to do it by mass-producing it - so no harm for you ;)

Prove me wrong, but I assume for this kind of money it is a "Gyraf Pultec" which is a passive EQ with a SRPP output stage with a single EC88 tube instead of the 3 tubes (12AX7, 12AU7 and 6X4) in the original Pultec.
It doesn't even have an output transformer - let alone an interstage transformer. Probably the "source" is someone having found out how easy it is to DIY a "Gyraf Pultec" and relatively cheap as well and now sells them as Pultecs?
Sorry I don't want to judge, I just try to figure out how this could work and make assumptions ;)

When I started to DIY I did like 4 of these "Pultecs" and I thought, why are the Pultecs so f**ing expensive - there's nothing inside this box...until I found out the "G-Pultec" has not much in common in terms of sound & components with a real Pultec.

It's no wonder even the reissue EQP-1A made by Pulse techniques retails for almost 4k! It's not because the parts would only cost $75 and they want to make a shitload of money with it.

What I'm offering here in terms of information, is building a unit 100% up to par with the original in components, sound and looks. In terms of the Pultec (which I will cover in another video series) it means you can build one yourself for maybe $850-900, buy a reissue for 4K or a vintage unit for 8K. Pretty much the same goes for my LA2A project.

And in terms of resale value, I have to disagree as well. A properly built unit up to original specs can go for decent money if sold. Someone who built several EQP-1As with my chassis kit, sold one on eBay last year - it went within a couple of days for 3K!!!

Pultec EQP 1A Vintage Replica | eBay

So time to build not included he made a good 2K by selling it.
And he's certainly not the only one doing so - some people in the past always bought several kits - sold one prebuilt and funded the parts for 2 of their own kits this way...

And one last thing - yes you're right, building a Tube Opto Compressor a la LA2A is not done with a couple of hundred bucks, (while I think in the end you always get what you paid for and the best bang for the buck IMHO is to do it yourself - at least if you're going for the authentic sound etc.), but adding together the components I end put with something around $900-950

Case: $199
Mouser cart: $260
Transformers: $226
T4B: $99
VU: around $70
Tubes etc.: around $50
Pots: around $50

Yes it's more than a couple of hundred bucks, but I used very high quality components in the BOM such as PEC Carbon pots (which are also used by UA in the reissue) - they are very expensive ($9-11 ea.) but also ver good and close to the vintage units.
You could also go with cheap alpha pots ($2.00 ea) - they will also work, but are not as HQ.

I'll try to refine the BOM further - point out what cheaper options would also work and streamline the sources in order to save on shipping...

Anyway, I appreciate your feedback guys, I can understand that if this is beyond what you were hoping
I'm curious how you came up with $950. Attached is the list I came up with when looking up the parts. Did I mess something up?

You're not talking Euros, are you?


  • LA-2A components.webp
    LA-2A components.webp
    88.4 KB · Views: 15
I'm curious how you came up with $950. Attached is the list I came up with when looking up the parts. Did I mess something up?

You're not talking Euros, are you?

ah damn - I was calculating the chassis in Euros :facepalm:


You have both VU meter options in your list - it's either or ;)
Unless you want to use 2 VU meters in your build - might look a little weird ;)
So if you choose the regular Sifam meter instead of the Teletronix branded one it's $145 less...

I just found a source for the SIFAM meter for $40 in the UK - haven't checked on shipping yet though...

The rest of the difference between the both of us is my mix up EUR/USD regarding the chassis kit
ah damn - I was calculating the chassis in Euros :facepalm:


You have both VU meter options in your list - it's either or ;)
Unless you want to use 2 VU meters in your build - might look a little weird ;)
So if you choose the regular Sifam meter instead of the Teletronix branded one it's $145 less...

I just found a source for the SIFAM meter for $40 in the UK - haven't checked on shipping yet though...

The rest of the difference between the both of us is my mix up EUR/USD regarding the chassis kit

Ah, ok. I was wondering about that meter issue. Thanks for clearing that up.
I had a EQP-1WA here at the studio a couple of months ago and it was absolutely no match to my Pultec EQP-1A. A nice sounding passive EQ yes, but no EQP-1A by any means. what does that really mean "no match"...?
I think you are primarily "matching" the components, and of course, they are different.

For those folks who really need to see identical components in clones that match the original, I guess that's an important aspect when choosing which to buy. one but you will know what components are inside.
What really counts is how it sounds and does it do the job it is intended for...? That's what people notice...that's what they hear.

So when you say that the Warm EQP-1WA is a nice sounding passive EQ...that's mostly that counts.
If you want to just get hung up on the size of the iron and the number of then become very biased to how things sound and how you compare them.

I'm not saying that having all those identical components is bad or good...just that the sound is mainly what counts, and if it's a difference of one unit having a bit more "rounder" low end, and the other a bit more "warmer" low end...etc...etc...there's no real analytical way to "match" (compare) those units to decide which one is "better".

For the cost of your kits, I would just as soon take that money and buy a read-built brand-name clone...a new one or even a used one from the more expensive clones...
...but the possibility of buying two ready-built clones, for less than the cost of one kit is pretty much a no-brainer....and I don't care if the transformers are smaller or if there are only two tubes instead of three...etc.
For me, it's about the sound and the cost, and good build quality backed by a warranty and a customer service department...and not about having identical components to match a vintage unit, but YMMV....