How to distribute your on CD's


New member
Was just wondering how you set your own record label up? In this modern age of computers and technology to record and produce great stuff, can we use this modern day advancements to distribute our songs? Or is it a case of hard slog? I guess I know the answer!
places like cd baby offer means of getting your music "out there." they will take a cut of every sale and you get the rest, i think. i'm sure there are other independent distributors around if you look hard enough. taking stuff to your local indie record mart also works.
The other good thing about CDBaby is that they can distribute you to most of the digitial download services out there - I think all you have to do is give them a spare copy of your CD to rip for this. I shouldn't sing their praises to loudly, because I haven't done it yet, but I'm planning on releasing my first CD in January, and I've already established my CDBaby account for it.
I think you should take advantages of anything you can get your hands on. CDBaby, yeah that's good. It's nothing to hand them about 5 or so CDs to make marketable product for you. And then you only have to give them 1 (I think) if you just want them to rip it and distribute for you.
Mp3 sites like Soundclick and are good too because that's free marketing for your products.
Don't also forget the mom and pop shops too, but you may also want to shop around with some of the majors too. I know Sam Goody does local bands on consignment. I knew some Best Buys who did that too (but that was years ago).
If you know html or flash or have access to someone who does, get your own website done. Most people who know a little bit would settle for a decent but fair amount of money. I've done a couple of sites for people in html for just a couple of hundred dollars. Even though it's done on a free site, that gives them the option as to whether or not to pay for more space and domain names. My site is on but once I get the money I should make of selling a couple of beats, I'll go make an official site.

Point being said...use your brain and your resources to help your music.