how to default sonar to overwrite tracks when i record?


New member

just wanted to know how to default sonar to record in overwrite mode everytime i record. Right now I have to change it from sound on sound to overwrite every time I open a new template.

Have you tried a custom save-as of the template with the setting in it? Seems like it should save the setting.
According to the online help, this option is particular for each project:
SONAR saves the recording options you choose with each project, so you can save a different recording mode with each of your projects.

Therefore you'll have to approach it as mixsit suggests and use a template. If you do it using the Normal template, it will default to that for each new project.

Again, from the online help

Every time you start SONAR, a new, empty project is displayed. If you want, you can determine the settings for this default project by creating and saving a special template file, called normal.cwt. If you create or update the normal.cwt file, SONAR will display this template automatically when the program is started.