how to compare amd and intel?


New member
I'm about to buy a new computer. I'm familiar with amd, but a friend who owns a computer store told me the new intel processor is better than the amd one (true or not!? :D ). I thought I'ld give it a shot if it's worth it.

My problem: I simply don't know how to compare athlon to intel Core :(

EX: what is equivalent to a 4 200+ AthlonX2?

hope it's clear

I don't think it's the same as it was several years ago (when I actually knew how to compare CPUs).

I believe the Core Duo™ is the best, and most affordable, one you can get these days. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I've always preferred AMD, but I'm thinking I'll get a Core Duo™ for my next computer.
Search through the threads, there's plenty of information about AMD vs Intel.
I posted some facts about each and to why Intel's winning the current CPU battle.

Core 2 Duo is the current best processor for consumers on the market.
The URL in #4 shows comparisons for today's competitive processors. Right now, Core Duo is the best, in performance and in value. AMD has been ahead for a couple of years, and it's hard to say who will be ahead by next summer. The difference between the best AMD and the best Intel isn't night and day, but Intel genuinely has the lead for the moment.