How to chop up a project


New member
Greets again,

I have recorded a 2 hour live performance with 4 tracks into Sonar 2.2XL. The band is going to pick 5-6 songs for post production. What is the best way to copy a song out of the project and create a new one with just that one song?

Also: Can I save fx chains? Sound Forge/Acid/Vegas have this and it is wonderful.
Not sure this is the "best" way, but this is the way I would do it. BTW, I am assuming you still want to keep the 4 individual tracks for each individual - otherwise you could mixdown to a stereo track and the approach would be a bit different.

I would simply open the original project, highlight everything before the song you wish to split out, and choose delete (make sure all the tracks are highlighted and don't forget to choose the "delete hole" option). Then I would highlight and delete everything after the song in question, and then resave (save as) the project under a different name.

Repeat the same process for each other song you wish to split out.
That would work too. :) Just make sure to split all the tracks simultaneously, or split them at a measure with the snap-to grid enabled, so they will line up properly in the new project.