How to break midi connection loop?


New member
I have both ways MIDI connection between Roland XP and computer.
Whenever I boot computer while Roland is already on, the synth falls into a MIDI loop and becomes uncontrollable.
Roland is constantly sending out some timing MIDI messages, and apparently computer passes them through and sends right back into the synth, which in turn tries to send them back out again.
How do I break this loop?
Can anyone with Roland XP experience advise me what to do?
webstop said:
I have both ways MIDI connection between Roland XP and computer.
Whenever I boot computer while Roland is already on, the synth falls into a MIDI loop and becomes uncontrollable.
Roland is constantly sending out some timing MIDI messages, and apparently computer passes them through and sends right back into the synth, which in turn tries to send them back out again.
How do I break this loop?
Can anyone with Roland XP experience advise me what to do?

Dosen't the synth have a panic button?

A panic button (on many MIDI components) kills all MIDI signals and was designed for just the kinds of scenarios that you describe. If none of your hardware has a panic button, you could pick up something cheap from Anatek (usually on eBay) that has a panic button on it.

Thanks Carl,
It does have a Panic button, but I don't think that this is abnormal/crash situation in the first place.
It is just that somewhere in the guts of the synth there must be a small "on-off" setting to cancel such a behaviour. Roland manual is totally useless piece of literature, with crappy index section. I can't find anything in it. Or maybe it is called in some unique proprietary way and I am overlooking...
To better descrive this behaviour of the synth: it is like "midi out" jack is acting like "midi through"...
Anyone, please?
webstop said:
Thit is a workaround.
I am looking for solution.

You have 3 choices.

1. Use the Panic button (that is what it is there for)
2. Turn off the roland while rebooting.
3. Listen to the note play all night long.
...more advice.

4. Plug bunch of tissue in your ears, pretend like there's no sound.

5. Use your PC only to surf, mail, browsing, typing, etc. Not making music.

6. Don't turn the PC on, it only causes noise, and you don't want to hear it.

7. Play some rockin' CD's louder than your synth. See if it works.

8. If it still doesn't work, ask your doctor... he knows what to deal.

:D :D :D
Kidding man... TADAAAAA!!!!
:D :D :D