How to bounce a song from my Fostex 4-track onto my MBox?


New member
Hey all, I have both an old school 80's Fostex 150 Cassette 4-track recorder and a Digidesign Mbox.

If I want to bounce a song I recorded on the Fostex onto Pro Tools using my Mbox, how would I go about doing it? I know one option is to use the headphone 1/4" jack from the Fostex into one of the mic inputs of the MBox, but is there someway I can bypass the MBox's mic pres? Do I have to bounce all four tracks at once, or is it actually possible to bounce individual tracks? What cables do I need? I prefer the warmer sound of the Fostex and was hoping to have that raw sound in Pro Tools if possible. Thanks!
Here's what the back of the MBox looks like...
