How similar are these Compressors?


New member
RE: the FX Cakewalk Compressor (from my 2002 Homestudio) and the Sonitus Ultrafunk compressor... how different are they ? The names obviously, and I think Ultrafunk has a rep on its own...

I ask because I'm dabbling in chaining compressors over whole mix stereo files and I've been told that you need to use differnt brands/models or else you're basically doubling the same effect. I also have the Kjaerhus Classic compressor. I'm very familiar with the Cakewalk one since I basically learned everything I know with it.

i personally don't like the cakewalk plugins much at all. i have always used the sonitus package and they work well for me. the reverb is money and the compressor is great too. i don't know how to use the multiband compressor though. I find the compressor has a nice touch to it
OK thanks-

but in terms of chaining the two, as far as their algorithms/innerds go, can we say the Sonitus and the Cakewalk are quite different, different enough so that I'm not duplicating the effects? This is what I'm looking for.
I had a feeling the Sonitus was better quality on its own.
I'm still working on an alternative to the old Cakewalk one though.
alanfc2 said:
OK thanks-

but in terms of chaining the two, as far as their algorithms/innerds go, can we say the Sonitus and the Cakewalk are quite different, different enough so that I'm not duplicating the effects? This is what I'm looking for.
I had a feeling the Sonitus was better quality on its own.
I'm still working on an alternative to the old Cakewalk one though.

With S3 I used the plugin manager to disable the old Cakewalk plugins. While recently upgrading to S4PE I went ahead and checked the boxes that reinstalled the old Cake plugs. I have found them to be transparent and at times have liked them better than their Sonitus peers.
Don't let their archaic appearance dissuade you. Sometimes it's good to have a couple of choices.
Experiment and let us know what you find out!


So you think the engines of the Cakewalk and the Sonitus are different enough? I guess if the Sonitus technically is from the company Ultrafunk, they should be pretty different right?

fyi-news flash

here's an answer from the Cakewalk site that has satisfied me,
for anyone with the same question someday:

IIRC, the "FX Cakewalk" plugins from earlier versions of SONAR were repackaged DSP-FX plugins; DSP-FX is a different make than Sonitus. It's possible that the algorithms are similar, but the simple answer to your question is that yes, they are different plugins.