How much should i sell my taylor for?


New member
i bought it last august, its a 310CE it only has one little tiny dent on the lower front of the body...everything else is completely fine with it, i was thinking 1000-1200$??

btw if your wondering why im selling it is because im not that great at guitar, and i want just an acoustic guitar that i can carry around with me around the house and not worry about if it gets a i do need some extra looking into carvin acoustics i hav eheard nice things
Keep it!!

I'd keep the guitar and walk around the house with it.

The Carvins sure look nice (and I'm looking at a 12-string myself), but they're not Taylors and you already own this one. Why fool with a winner?

Ebay has a couple; asking price for one is $ 935 and the other is $1,100. If you were going to sell it just to get something else and have a little cash as well, then don't do it! You'll run through the cash after a while and then you won't have the cash or the Taylor, either. And whenever you play the Carvin - nice as it is, you'll remember the Taylor.

Keep it, change the strings, and keep practicing...:cool:
I've played many Carvins- I live down the road from the factory. They are good/decent/o.k. for the price but I don't find anything outstanding about them. I would probably rather have your Taylor because the good Carvins cost about the same amount of money as you will get for your Taylor.

I'm not trying to talk you out of selling the Taylor, I would definitely sell it if you don't like the tone, but i would wait until you find a guitar that you just can't live without. Shop, shop, shop, and then shop some more !!! Take your time and look for the $1000 holy grail. Maybe the Carvin will be that holy grail for you but you won't know until you play one.