How much processing

Naw man, it sounds like a high end recording of a live performance (that was performed well). I am not sure what you are comparing it to. You only posted this one video. What 'live stuff' are you referring to? Sounds the same as the one I watched live myself. Ironic, as I do not get much chance to get out of my cave. I was there when this one happened as my wife and rissa were watching it. ..

There is no enhancement here. Just the performance. Hell, there are a bunch of breath issues in the mics that I would address if it were meant for a sell-able CD.

I have never heard any type of alteration with the show 'The Voice'.

This would be one of his a little later when they went live. I didn't think they did any processing on prerecorded shows either but several people were saying that they were and said to listen to the pre-recorded vs the lives stuff and see what I thought.

I did think the pre-recorded stuff sounded a little better, but not to the degree of doing major processing after the fact. Could just be nerves. I figured I'd post up here and get the experts opinion.