How Much for a Hammond Aurora Organ?


New member
Hey guys,

There's a local dude on craigslist selling a vintage Hammond Aurora organ. He says he basically just wants to get rid of it and to make an offer.

Thing is, I dont really know a whole lot about these so I'm not sure what to offer him. Any suggestions? I'm really short on cash right now so I dont want to pay a dime more than I need to.

Thanks everyone!
Hammonds are an expensive piece of kit dude, try and aim as low as possible - he'll only be selling on the brand.

Check online, you can always get a deal saying you've seen them at such a price and he's wanting more :) You'll need to know the exact model though, they're going from $200 to $5,000.

Get in there quick, people are asking about it through other forums (unless that's you?)
If its HC then its me :D...

...if not

...:eek: haha

Thanks dude...I actually think he'll go for lower than $200.

The model is a 8122, I wasnt able to find a lot of info on these to thell you the truth. All I found out is that they're not the grail of hammond tone, but apart from that nobody has a lot of info.

I did see some youtube clips that sounded pretty cool to my ears. Still, I dont know crap about organs (this would be my first one) so who knows.