how much for a good compressor

... so an internal compressor like in cubase takes the track thats been recording and compresses it on its way out, so an external compressor, will compress it before it goes in and before its recorded correct? that way if i decide to sing a note with too many decibles the compress will compress it and the waves on cubase tracks wunt be stopping at zero db like they are doing now rtight?
More or less, yes. Rather than say 'compress on the way out, 'compression on playback' -in the mix.
There is also using (or re-using) that hardware (your 'external) to mix with as well as record with.
But in the case with the wide recording range of 24 bit in particular, set your record levels so you don't have to compress for protection. Instead do it to make the recording closer to how you want it to sound, or because the hardware brings something you can't get with the software.
ok another question i know imma drive people crazy... so an internal compressor like in cubase takes the track thats been recording and compresses it on its way out, so an external compressor, will compress it before it goes in and before its recorded correct? that way if i decide to sing a note with too many decibles the compress will compress it and the waves on cubase tracks wunt be stopping at zero db like they are doing now rtight?
If you're hitting -0dBFS, you're SO "way too hot" that you're WAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY too hot already. Compressing that signal isn't going to change the fact that you're overdriving the hell out of the front end (it'll actually make it worse).

Back off on the levels - A lot - A WHOLE lot - to something "more normal" --- Peak at -10dBFS (IF that) on the absolute loudest parts. Compression on the input chain is only going to make matters worse in your case. MUCH worse.

And waveforms will always "stop at 0" (-0.0dBFS). There isn't any information above -0.0dBFS. It's clipped - It's gone - It's no longer part of this universe. But the fact that you're even approaching full scale - on a single vocal track - is... It's... I mean, wow - I don't even want to go there.

Here -- You need this -- Proper Audio Recording Levels | Rants, Articles | MASSIVE Mastering

Don't even entertain the thought of adding additional hardware into the chain until you get basic gain staging down first -- Unless you really enjoy chasing your tail.
no no im just giving an example i obviously dunt want it to ever hit zero, i was just experimenting, but wat is the ordeR? mic preamp compressor and soundcard? or mic compressor preamp and then soundcard?
No matter what that lunatic "Massive Mastering" says, you really want to track as hot as possible in the digital realm. Try not to go above -0.1dBFS, but it's probably cool if you do, because your computer will automatically compress it and it'll sound cool.