how many subs can you have?


New member
I don't know if this is the correct topic to put down. So, I'm trying to mix a song that has three guitar parts. I think its one lead and two rythm. For the rythm, I'm using Amplitube plugin. Is it better to put the plugin on the channel strip of the guitar's or to assign it to it's own sub. I would like to make them to have their own different sound of amps. Would this also go for drums and on vocals?
my .02

I have an older computer, and cpu usage is always on my mind too. If I were running 3 guitar lines, I'd process them one at a time, dial in the settings in your amplitube, then render that file as a wav. Repeat for guitars 2 and 3. It's a bit more labor intensive, but infinitely more CPU friendly.