How is flange created by delay?


New member
I was having a disscussion with an engineer a couple of days ago, and he explained exactly how flange/phase/chorus is created by using delay, and how it is possible to recreate the effects in MAX MSP using delays and osscilators and such. It was a bit of an intense lesson, so can anyone explain in more "lamenistic" terminology how these effects are based on delays?
hejira said:
I was having a disscussion with an engineer a couple of days ago, and he explained exactly how flange/phase/chorus is created by using delay, and how it is possible to recreate the effects in MAX MSP using delays and osscilators and such. It was a bit of an intense lesson, so can anyone explain in more "lamenistic" terminology how these effects are based on delays?

You use the LFO to vary the time delay. When you combine a source and a delayed signal (very short time !!!!) that also shortens and lengthens the wave (through the use of the LFO),You get a sum and cancelation at different freqs- bottom line is, your moving in and out of phase = flanging/Phase shifting (more subtle) effect.
hejira said:
Thanx. But, when you say "very short delay", how short are we talking??

Set at around 20ms. The LFO should move from 0- 20ms (back and forth). Don't forget to use the speed control to adjust how fast it will happen.... No special setting here just acourding to your taste.
here's how:

If you set a digital delay for less than 30ms of delay time and crank up the feedback, you get an effect called tubing (check this out on a digi delay)
The interesting thing is that the shorter you set the delay time, the higher the pich of the tube. The longer the lower th pitch..
Now, if you set a clock to sweep the delay time back and forth between, say, 9 and 1 ms, then you get the flanging effect.

(feedback takes the output of the dealy and feeds it back into the input. some feedback is required to get the flange fx, the more feedback the more intense or dynamic the frq sweep)
If you put the signal being fed back out of phase you get a more hollow tube type of flange fx.