How good are the Aardvark's mic pre?


New member
I have a LX6 and I really like it, but have been wanting
get the Q10 if the mic pres are good. Or should I get a
tube mic the tubessence 107,etc.

I have 3 Direct Pro 2496 cards. The pres are pretty good, but I would get better ones if I were you. My cards have the mic pres, but I rarely use them. I have an ART Dual Tube MP and a Mackie 1642 VLZ Pro, both of which are better than the Aardvark.
I have and old Makie 1604, and I was told the original pres are better than the new ones. I see that Bellari has a new mic pre


Are you bypassing the pres on the 24/96's?? I didn't think you could do that.

Aardvark Pre's

I have a pro 24/96 and I think the pres are great for the money. They're quite natural, in my opinion -- which is what you really wan't in a mic pre. I wouldn't waste money on a cheap tube pre. Keep your aardvark and save up for a True Systems Precision 8, 8-channel pre-amp. This is real gear. Expensive ($3,500) but a GRRREAT deal for the money and lets you use more than one mic at a time. It's also good enough for Neumann to practically put their name on it (They're the exclusive distributors and really push the product on their site.)

I've also got one of those new Soundcraft M-8 mixers that I use along with a DAT for location stereo recording. It uses the same pres as their Ghost consoles -- which I have some experience using in a local commercial studio) -- and I find to be quite good for upper-end project studio equipment (The Ghost console, I mean). The best part is, this mixer (Back to the M-8, again) has a SPDF out so you can plug it straight into your soundcard.
Queue, yes I am bypassing the Aardvark pres. All you have to do is go into the Aardvark mixer, switch the input to line, and turn the gain all the way down. This is what I am told by Aardvark. Ofcourse I am still plugged in to the Aardvark pre, but it is basically transparent at that point.
Thanks for the follow-up. I was afraid I'd missed something in the manual. Those guys at Aardvark need a forum, or at least a FAQ. I did get a 'newsletter' which had a few good tips...
