how far from the mic?


New member
if im recording vocals that go high and low up and down how far should i be from the mic , because sometimes it makes a big difference in adjusting the headphones volume if im close or far from the mic u know ??

so whats the right way or lets not say right just the normal distance between mouth and mic and then if i shout i go back and if im whispering i go close but the normal distance for good recording vocals sound?

thanks :)
If it's a studio condensor (a more flat response mic), from a few inches (a pop screen helps) to out a foot, or more.
With a live-handheld voiced mic, from zero to several inches.
And working the distance helps smooth out the levels.
Well if by low and high you mean loud and soft then you probably don't want to keep the same distance from the mic. If you are singing with different dynamics in the same song you need to work the mic. Generally that means when you are singing softer you pull in a little closer and when you are lettin’ er rip you back off. It gets a little more complicated. Some sounds, even though you are maintaining (or trying to) the same volume on your vocal come through a little stronger than others. For me when I am making a hard “O” vowel sound it tends to resonate a lot more so I need to back off a little. Plus everyone’s voice is different. You have to get to know your voice. The best way to do that is to record and listen critically. You will figure out in any given song where you need to back off and when you need to give the mic some lovin’ :D. I always record a scratch vocal track at the beginning of a project (in the few projects I have done or been working on ;) :D) and use that as a guide to give me a little better idea how I need to work the mic. The more you do it, the more it will become semi-natural as you get to know your own voice.

I’m not an expert this, but I have sung into mics enough through my life to have developed a little feel for it. YMMV.
