How does this sound? Song is "Unfailing Love" - basic rock mix


New member
This is a song I wrote a few weeks ago. It's a worship song (I'm a worship leader) from Psalm 57 called "Unfailing Love".


So, lyrical content aside, what are your thoughts?

Here's my setup:

Vocals: Studio Projects C1 -> Line6 POD Studio UX2 (just bought the UX2, so I'm trying it out)
Acoustic Guitar: Studio Projects C1 - UX2
Electric Guitar: Home-made telecaster -> POD Farm plugin (using a Vox AC30 patch)
Bass: Virtual instrument in Logic
Strings: Virtual instrument in Logic
Drums: EZDrummer (LOVE EZDrummer)

Feel free to be brutal. And thanks in advance for listening!

My thoughts: I like the mix/overall sound. My vocals are a bit sketchy in the big choruses. I think the UX2 does a pretty awesome job for a $170 recording interface.
Sounds Okay, definately pitch issues on the vox, invest in pitch correction, the vox are too far out for a finished product. The snare could use some beefing up. Nice song.
I love the song but agree with the pitch issues.. maybe try and simplify the monitor mix you use when tracking your vocal - sounds to me that the pitch slipped more when there is more going on.
Good work..
i think the above comments nail it...this is very well done and the pitch issues detract from an otherwise great performance/recording/mix

I know its important for the vocals to be up front with this type of track but I thought they could come down a touch in volume... PDPs right about the snare, seems to luck body and the MP3 compression is mashing your cymbals big time

only tweaks and a good job though :)
Yeah the vocals are terrible. I doubt Jesus cares, but the rest of your listeners might. What this song needs is something real. You've got way too many fake instruments happening at once and it sounds like it. Those cymbals are atrocious. The whole song has an uneasy, unnatural quality to it. You're a worship leader, right? Dip into the collection and get some real amps and drums and stuff.
Thanks for all the feedback, everyone! Looks like I'll definitely be re-tracking some vocals. I knew that would be the case, though.

Thank you all for the compliments about the song itself and production - really appreciate it! I appreciate you all taking the time to listen and offer advice.
Yeah snare needs more body, hi-hat sounds robotic. The whole set sounding robotic when it took off, but its most noticeable in your hats.