How does this sound? I can't tell 'cuz I recorded it and it drives me nuts. Dammit.


New member
Yeah, I recorded this song today pretty fast. I tried to make the drums sound like a real player is behind the kit (they were made in fruity loops) but as always I had a fkin hard time doing that, heh.

My biggest problem is that I don't know if I like the sound of it, mainly because I 've already heard it a million times and I can't really compare it to a real song because for some reason my brain won't see it as one.

I really need your help and your opinions as to how I could master this better, so to say, heh.

Thanks a LOT! your input is always welcome!

Clickie Here
I think it could use a different snare sound, mixed lower maybe. Try to find something like a soundfont that has multiple velocities that effect the sound of the snare (no only volume).
Some of the rolls are a little too fast, or with too much "power" behind something that fast.

Otherwise, it's off to a pretty good start.
Spitz said:
My biggest problem is that I don't know if I like the sound of it, mainly because I 've already heard it a million times and I can't really compare it to a real song because for some reason my brain won't see it as one.
That is common in this game. What you need to do is walk away from it for a while. Overnight at least, a day or two (or more) if you can and your schedule allws it. Don't listen to it at all during that time. Then come back in a morning with a fresh body and even fresher ears and give it a listen. Trust your first instincts/impressions that result from that fresh listen and adjust the mix according to those impressions.

wow what did you use to record??? the guitars are really nicely mixed! o and a friend taught me a trick to make the drums more realistic

First mix each tom and snare and splash etc. on FL then use the piano roll to control the loudness when the snare plays and anything else that sounds too electronic and fake. Make it vary slightly so it sounds like a person is playing, if it sounds exactly the same in each hit then itll give it right away that its digital. For the kicks if you wanna use double bass then use the piano roll to play it in two different keys. Then export each instrument separately so each thing from the drums can be a seperate track in your recording software and touch it up. Fix any little mixing details and it should sound alot better.
keep in touch with me so i can send you a song done like this.
Hey, thanks man!

I used a POD 2.0 to record the guitars. It'd be cool if we could send each other songs and stuff. Got msn? Add me if you want: . I log on every once in a while.

Thanks for your input!