How do you record the drums if....


New member
You have the Mbox...

I know that nowadays no-one records live drums, they only use loops or MIDI, Which I don't know how they work, but my question is...

How could I record live drums thru the Mbox??

Since it only has two inputs, I coulnt do it...but I guess that the right way should be....Drums to mixer and mixer output to Mbox Input???


:S....Am I on the right track here???

Plenty of people still record live drums.
And yes your theory is correct. Use a mixer..or, an interface with more than 2 inputs.
Sorry guys, I think You missunderstood me...I meant that most ppl that dont have a drumset or just want to do some demo material most of the time stick to MIDI or drum loops...

But now I now how it all works.

I still don't get how to use LOOPS, I'll post a threat later.

Thanx again.
I was gonna say - who DOESN'T use live drums?

Even some electronic music uses lives drums. Sure they loop them later but it's REAL drums!

Anyhow - I have a question for you... what's an mbox?

The problem with drums is their so loud - this is why bands are always looking for drumms over everything else. Drums are so loud most people can't learn them when they're kids, and parents won't buy them - so we have a shortage of drummers!!!!!!