How do you process Rap Vocals


New member
I normally record acoustic or electric intruments and bands and such, however I just got a pretty big job to do this rapper and I was wondering what people do to get that Gangsta sound. (Eq settings, de-essing, compression) Thanks alot!
It's the same as for acoustic and electric instruments and anything else you might care to stick a mic in front of.

It totally depends on the characteritics of the source, the gear used and the environment in which it's recorded.
It really is dependant on the sound of the voice and your taste as to what you do but here are some GENERAL guides that I'd give. Be more agressive than with rock/folk vocals. Compress a little harder, don't be affraid of being a little extreme in your settings. EQ just depends on the voice. Use reverbs... alot (unless you don't dig that). Doubles are almost mandatory. Just use your ears.

and ignore all these haters. They don't give advice because they wouldn't know where to start anyhow...
mrT said:
and ignore all these haters. They don't give advice because they wouldn't know where to start anyhow...

It was just a joke........I'm not a hater of any king of music with the exception of opera.
de-essing isn't all that nescessary either. It can really work in a song to leave all that in. Just listen and ask the rapper what he wants it to sound like.

It'd be helpful to if you had the rapper make you a mix of songs that he wants his stuff to sound like. It will help you with ideas.
timboZ said:
It was just a joke........I'm not a hater of any king of music with the exception of opera.

It's cool. But I get sick of all the rap haters on here.

Couldn't agree more with opera though... :D
timboZ said:
It was just a joke........I'm not a hater of any king of music with the exception of opera.

Now thats taking it to far: :mad:

What has Opera done to anyone??? :confused:

Its not like she`s in the mic forum asking for 100 dollar mics all the time :D
studiomaster said:
You have to press the "Process" button and then everything will turn out magically.

I would reckon compression would be a large part of the process to try & give it the consistant sound that rapping has

also I wouldn't imagine there would be many peaks so the compression would serve to make the sound tighter, so as to have all the words audible without drowning out the backing
I don't EQ it at all, or try not to.
Compression is the biggest thing - getting that right - not over or under doing it.
I like to De-Ess lightly sometimes, cuz some people have some horribely loud SSSSes.
Nakatira said:
What has Opera done to anyone??? :confused:

Its not like she`s in the mic forum asking for 100 dollar mics all the time :D

Yea, and you don't see the opera guys asking how to use their cracked software either.
Nakatira said:
What has Opera done to anyone??? :confused:

Its not like she`s in the mic forum asking for 100 dollar mics all the time :D
Yeah but on the other hand, I have yet to run across a fat female rapper singing in Italian with a metallic bra and a Viking helmet.

...other than Madonna, of course.


SouthSIDE Glen said:
Yeah but on the other hand, I have yet to run across a fat female rapper singing in Italian with a metallic bra and a Viking helmet.

...other than Madonna, of course.



mad donna :D :D :D

only cool thing about mad donna is she got married near where I live (well about 100 miles away) but that's near compared to some
timboZ said:
It was just a joke........I'm not a hater of any king of music with the exception of opera.
Yeah, but some people just love to whine, bitch and moan about the "haters"....

Seems you can't voice an negative opinion about something nowadays without be labeled a 'hater' - which is the most feeble concept in the world.

Wanna say something and not get censured in any way shape or form? Tell everyone to NOT be a hater when they call you on it.

Wanna do something and not get censured in any way shape or form? Tell everyone to NOT be a hater about what you did.

mrT said:
Use reverbs... alot (unless you don't dig that).
Compress a little harder, don't be affraid of being a little extreme in your settings (unless you don't dig that).
Doubles are almost mandatory (unless you don't dig that).

In other words, like any other genre. Use your ears.
Nakatira said:
Now thats taking it to far: :mad:

What has Opera done to anyone??? :confused:

Its not like she`s in the mic forum asking for 100 dollar mics all the time :D

No, no, no; You're thinking of the fat black lady with the mouth and the talking and all, instead of the fat white lady with the horny hat and the vibratos and such.
Frasherhutch needs a life

fraserhutch said:
mrT said:
Use reverbs... alot (unless you don't dig that).
Compress a little harder, don't be affraid of being a little extreme in your settings (unless you don't dig that).
Doubles are almost mandatory (unless you don't dig that).

In other words, like any other genre. Use your ears.

see, I actually said.

mrT said:
It really is dependant on the sound of the voice and your taste as to what you do but here are some GENERAL guides that I'd give. Be more agressive than with rock/folk vocals. Compress a little harder, don't be affraid of being a little extreme in your settings. EQ just depends on the voice. Use reverbs... alot (unless you don't dig that). Doubles are almost mandatory. Just use your ears.

so yeah, use your ears. But I didn't have to cut up your qoute so I could bitch and moan about people bitching and moaning.

You are fool... and I pitty you.