how do you mix?


New member
i don't mean "do you sit in your underwear with a schultz helmet on", i mean do you do all your mixing on computer? flying fader on digital mixers? set all your faders to the right spot on an analog console and dump it onto something? let your little fingers dance across the faders and be the buddy rich or steve vai of mix engineers?

i use the last one (i'm not that great at it but its fun) the od school technique... where every mix is a performance, every finger is a little compressor with its attacak and release time dialled in... on the other hand, i only run eight tracks so that frees me up a bit...

how do you do it??
Depends on where I'm mixing something. If at home either on the PC or on an analog mixer downstairs, if at work I'll do it on the digital 8 buss using automation.

We are getting the new DXB next week. Can't wait to try that out.
:D Yo Doc:

"Take two aspirin and call me in the AM?"

I mix using my 2816's built-in board. I usually have a cocktail nearby.

I like to always have words I took from a Unisys commercial, "WHAT IF...." rolling in my mind as I fade the faders and pump the RNC and check cables, etc.

When I'm listening to the end product, I still think about, "What if...."

Just last week I removed about six 1/4 cables and replaced them with new cables. Improved the chain and killed some noise. "What if...." Good words to roll over in your head when working in and out of the studio.

Green Hornet :eek: :D :rolleyes: ;) :D
I'm a dinosaur, so I still tend to use the faders of the mixer for the majoirity of mix controls.

I do on occasion use MIDI controls to bring in certain sounds (pad sounds, effects, etc.) and I do try to get the best gain settings possible to limit how many faders I have to watch.

Certainly any vocal & guitar tracks get my full attention on the faders.
I do it whichever way is handy, although I've gotten pretty spoiled with my control surface. It doesn't really matter: the gear doesn't mix it, you do.
I track to digital and edit in the digital domain but I still mix on an analog console. Only for the reason that I feel I make better sounding mixes this way.
The Green Hornet said:
:D Yo Doc:

"Take two aspirin and call me in the AM?"

I mix using my 2816's built-in board. I usually have a cocktail nearby.

I like to always have words I took from a Unisys commercial, "WHAT IF...." rolling in my mind as I fade the faders and pump the RNC and check cables, etc.

When I'm listening to the end product, I still think about, "What if...."

Just last week I removed about six 1/4 cables and replaced them with new cables. Improved the chain and killed some noise. "What if...." Good words to roll over in your head when working in and out of the studio.

Green Hornet :eek: :D :rolleyes: ;) :D

I love reading your posts Hornet, even when I haven't got a clue what you're talking about. :D
Even when i was working with the Control 24 in the studio i still found myself drawing the automation in the sequencer. Sometimes i would do it with the control 24 but ive always felt it was better and more fun for me to draw it.

Sometimes i will pull everything out through the board but have everything at Unity except maybe EQ. This way it gets the analog bussing but the volume automation is still being done in the computer. This way too i can insert my outboard compressers and stuff but this is rare that i do it this way.
