How do i use triggers?

.Tyson Studios.

Do the drum trigger go to a sound module? if so, what kind? would I still need to mic the set? would only putting triggers on the toms, be normal? Please just explain the concept of triggers. Thanks
As far as I am aware Its basically a piezo electric conductor that picks up the hit as an electrical signal which is then converted in an e-Drum console into midi data which can be used to trigger the likes of EZDrummer,

If you know more anyone feel free to correct me
A trigger is really a contact mic that you use to either plug into a drum brain (that uses the signal to trigger internal drum samples) or you can record like you would a mic and use a program like drumagog to trigger the samples.

You can put triggers on anything you want to replace the sound of.
With triggers you don't even need real drums. Just slap em on some tupperware and suitcases and be a rock star.
Yeah, you could even glue one to each finger and tap them to produce a signal. I don't know why you would want to do this though.
A drum module is a must though. If you are handy you can build your own.
A drum module is only necessary for the sounds it provides. It is also a convenient way of turning the performance into midi, but that can be done with software too.