How do I sync lock Sonar 2 and ACID 3


New member
Does any know how to successfully lock Sonar and Acid together?

I recently need to do this and heres what I did;

I set ACID to generate MTC and send via my midi interface and Set Sonar 2 to lock to incoming SMPTE/MTC. But it doesn't work.

I'm guessing tha it has something to do with receiving the MTC from from the midi interface.

Any ideas?

I've read a post at the SOS-forum that might help. It's for syncing reason and Sonar 1, but maybe you can use some of the settings...

Have you installed Midi Yoke?
If so you have four virtual midi cable at your disposal.
Selected these under midi devices in Sonar as well as any out ports and software synths (soundcard) you want to use. Highlight the Yoke NT devices first and move them to the top so NT1 is at the very top. In project selected in 'midi out', send SPP, and choose the options you need, Sonar settings use ports and these are directly related to the order of your midi devices, so having moved the Yoke NT1 to the top of the midi devices, this is port 1, so select port 1 to send the SPP. In Reason choose Yoke NT 1 as the connector (Midi time code) and choose NT2 as the input in bus A, all in midi preference, advanced if you upgraded Reason. The second setting NT2 on the bus A, is the port which Reason will recieve midi data from tracks in Sonar, so load up a midi track in Sonar, create a device in Reason, load a sample, make sure it's connected to the mixer, go to the midi interface at the top of Reason and choose the device that's to play back the midi track, make sure the enable button at the bottom is lit up, return to Sonar and press play! Hope this helps and I have not forgotten anything, have fun!
sonic foundry software comes with a virtual midi router as well. you will also need 2 different sound cards, or one with multiple outs that can act like multiple sound cards
Here's some observations:

1. I wonder why would anybody want to use Acid alongside Sonar 2.0? Sonar can do whatever Acid does and much more.

2. Sonar and Reason (I have v. 2.0) connect via Rewire w/o Midi Yoke quite nicely.

3. BTW, I have yet to hear a success story about using Acid and any Cakewalk software together :(

I wonder why would anybody want to ASK WHY ANYBOBY would use Acid alongside Sonar 2.0? Sonar can do whatever Acid does and much more,

Uhhh - wrong.

You obviously don't use much midi and IMHO your post contained no useful information.

Maybe you should refrain from trying to make people seem as if they are asking stupid questions and focus on answering some simple questions with USEFUL information.
