How do I map this?

.Tyson Studios.

I got an axiom 61 2nd gen. I am using reaper. I conected the keyboard through usb but all of the options on the prefrences page are MIDI i/o. if i try to use a differant one of those i get a static noise going trough my speakers. (and it doesnt work) so what I do? i installed and downloaded the driver. would midi cables be easier?

Thanks : D
What exactly are you trying to do? Your question is far from clear. What audio interface are you using?
MIDI is a protocol, not a a connection...

Your Axiom simply uses a USB cable to get the MIDI into your computer, instead of the old 5-pin DIN (MIDI) connectors.

Read the manuals and it will all come together...
I am trying to get the keyboard to connect with my software. (reaper) I have no midi cables, only the usb cable. (axiom 61) I am using a maudio fast track ultra but the midi keyboard and interface arent connected at all. (they are BOTH connected by usb) I think that cleared up some areas.
Update! finally i got something to work. T have gotten the keyboard setup to reaper. now i am wondering what I should do to get some sound out of it. and with that said i understand that midi is not sound. Is there something ON reaper for that or do I need to download something. if so, what is a decent free one. Thanks everyone for your help!
A MIDI n00b's first keyboard should be a real synth (or reasonable consumer-grade facsimile). You can always send the DAW tracks back to it to make sound. ;)

That said, you can get a free VST analog synth simulator here, or Google "VST synth" to find one that suits you.
head over to KVR and grab some freeware softsynths and start messing around.. You should also try the Reaper forum here.
I could've sworn Tyson posted a link to KVR here himself once before. It's impossible to review his posts because of the musical notes in his moniker. I think monikers like that should be banned. :rolleyes:
uuuuhhhgg.thanks for everyones help. i now have the keys mapped but the sliders, knobe, and buttons dont work. I tried downloading a couple freeware things but none of then showed up in reaper. help please :s