How do I let you hear one of my songs?


New member
I have songs that are in mp3 format. However, I despise, and am no longer using their *&%#! service. Is there any other FREE way to go? I can put them in wav. or just about anything else, and I have my own angelfire page... just tell me what to do. I want to spread the joy of my screwed up music.


ps-- when do I get to be a senior member or something cooler, like Imperial Grand Poobah Member?
Most ISP's offer a certain amount of server disk space with a regular dial up account. Usually in the neighborhood of of 5-10MB. Check with you ISP to see how much you have. You can also purchase more every month for about .75-$1 per MB a month if you need more. There are also other places that will allow you to upload files to, check around.

I-Drive seems pretty decent to. I have not tried uploading, but I have downloaded quite a few files from this service with good transfer rates. 25MB's free.
I have angelfire space, I just have no clue how to actually put the thing there in a way that people can access it. I don't understand how to make it so people can go to my page, and then play a sound by clicking on it. However, I may make use of those free space links as well, thanks!
I would first recommend trying first. It's much easier (if you follow their directions).

Anyway, Angelfire must have a way to let you upload files, right? Simply upload your mp3 to the working directory of your webpage (the same directory that the page you'll be linking from is) and use the following html:

<a href="">Click here to download!</a>

Your html editor probably makes this process really simple. All you're doing here is creating a link to your file which must exist SOMEWHERE on the net. When the user clicks the link, his or her web browser will automatically handle the download.

YOU really don't have to do anything special except create the link. How the person actually listens to the file depends on their setup. Basically their web browser should download the file and pass it to their default mp3 player. No action on your part is necessary (assuming you're not going to stream the sucker).

Now want to do it the REALLY easy way? Don't worry about the web page crap and just stick your mp3 file in your Angelfire space. Then you can post a link to it here; something like:

Slackmaster 2000
Thank you! Okay, that was a dumb question I asked. I can't believe I asked something so lame. Sorry, my thought process is weird sometimes. *nominate me in that snappy answers/stupid questions area*

I will go upload a couple songs to my directory now, and see what happens. In a day or so, I should have them in the clinic. The only thing I wonder about now is how anyone will really react to them. They are all very bizarre, I suppose not your normal mix jobs anyway... well, we'll see!
