How do I hook up a MIDI keyboard/drum machine??


New member
Hey guys,

If a thing doesn't have a USB output and only a MIDI i/o, what do I do to plug it into my computer to control my DAW?

Check out an MAudio MIDIsport. They've been around for years and the drivers are pretty stable. Connects via USB to your puter.

This is a better idea. I have two 4x4s and a MOTU 5x5. I can reach a MIDI device to my PC from anywhere in the room. I use MIDI-OX to connect physical and virtual MIDI ports.

The only problem I've had with them is that the US-428 control surface doesn't play nice with other USB devices on the system.
I don't know whether the OP is a n00B or not but C7sus' suggestion is one I know from experience that works for sure. When I was a total ignoramus about keyboard controllers and computers, the simplicity of that system got me up and running for a good four years.
This is a better idea. I have two 4x4s and a MOTU 5x5. I can reach a MIDI device to my PC from anywhere in the room. I use MIDI-OX to connect physical and virtual MIDI ports.

The only problem I've had with them is that the US-428 control surface doesn't play nice with other USB devices on the system.

Yeah, I had mucho conflict when adding an Akai MPK49 via USB. I wound up getting a RS wallwart power supply and ditching the USB power for the Akai and routing MIDI through the MIDIsport.

Even MIDI-OX didn't help with that problem.
MIDI-OX can't fix driver or device conflicts. But if you can get them all to play together, MIDI-OX is a hella monitoring and routing tool.
I don't know if you'd call it a driver conflict, it just seemed like the computer would see one or the other but not both at the same time.

I would get error messages saying the device was in use by another app, so MIDI-OX wouldn't see the Akai and the Akai wouldn't see the MIDIsport.

And Sonar didn't want to see either one!
I couldn't route the US-428 through a MidiSport because I wouldn't have been able to use the audio interface on the US-428 with that setup.

The US-428 proved to have a bad fader in addition to being a problem child, so I sent it back. At that point, I said to hell with interfaces and control surfaces and started gearing up to track on cassette. The MidiSports and the Micro Lite all play well together with a BCR-2000 and an M-Audio 2496 card. So the PC has been relegated to MIDI routing and automation (MIDI-OX, Virtual MIDI Machine, Bome's MIDI Translator, etc.) during tracking. I can then mix down to Reaper with the M-Audio 2496 and do post production editing there.