how do i get rid of drum rattle


New member
i am micing drums and the stupid snare is rattleing and ive tried tape and it doesnt seem to help.. any ideas.. any body have a good way of going about this? also the first tom makes the snare rattle like crazy..
buy a new snare drum or fix the little springs at the bottom

and does the first tom make the snare rattle because the stands are touching each other or because of the sound vibrations?
With sympathetic vibration of the snares, the only real way to fix it is with tuning. Try playing around with the tuning of the bottom head and tension of the snares. Really though, once you get a full mix going, you'll hardly notice the rattle. Many, many records have the snare rattling constantly.
yeah, listen to ebeam. Mostly likely it will sound fine when you mix a whole song over the drums. Sometimes it adds some character.
or you can place two pieces of duct tape over the snares about two inches from the edge of the drum... tuning is the key point though...

I have a very wide snare on mine and I've cut off the bent ones and curled back the edges where I cut...
The 1st thing to do is work on tuning the sane resonant head. In particular detune the 4 lugs around the snare basket.

2nd thig to do, work on the tuning of the mounted tom vs the snare (start with the resonant side of the tom) to move the drums away from the frequency range that is causing the sympathetic vibration.

You could also hand a towel beteween the snare and tom to absorb some of the sound frequencies. Obviously check to make sure none of the snare wires is broken - which can cause noise.

I am not a fan of useing things like tape over the snares. While this can possibly help some - it also effects the sound of the drum

Proper tuning is the main thing - however, if the drums sound good and you don't want to risk messing with tunings - leave it alone - normally snare buzz gets lost in the mix..