How do i connect a preamp to my computer?


New member
Right now I am using a M Audip PRE USB pre amp and looking for something better to make my on the way Shure SM7b sound better. All the preamps recommended to me thus far are not USB preamps or Firewire Preamps.

2 questions:

1) How do I connect a non USB/non Firewire Preamp to my laptop?

2) Can anyone suggest A USB Pre Amp for under 600 that is far better than the crappy M Audio Pre USB and comparable to normal Pre Amps at that price range?
Connecting a high-end preamp to your built-in sound hardware is like putting high octane fuel in a Yugo.... The correct answer is to replace the sound hardware with something of acceptable quality (almost invariably USB or FireWire).
You could try an Apogee Duet, or such.

If you want line level inputs, just get something that has those. The outputs from your fancy preamp will be line level, possibly balanced, but could be unbalanced. Most interfaces can handle either...

The Sm7b requires a good bit of gain, so look for a preamp with lots(more than 60db) of clean gain. There are so many options out there, but they all cost real money.

I'd try the Mbox and see what you think before laying out any cash.