How did you advertise.......


New member
Hello everyone.......
I want to know how did you advertise (besides word of mouth) your studio so that you had no down time and stayed booked?

I want to stay busy and have money comming in, did you put an ad in the paper or phone book??

You have to advertise on MANY fronts -- network with other your local audio community and other businesses in your area... brochures at music schools, music stores, live venues, anywhere there's a potential of reaching your target market.... targeted ads in local and community newspapers... yellow pages, sure, but it's expensive and may not provide enough reach to your specific "target" audience (it's more of a catch-all).......

There's not really only one area to look at -- running a studio as a business means you have to put just about equal time into advertising as you do engineering recording sessions/projects.

Your business is guaranteed to fail if all you think you have to do is sit behind the console and wiat for people to call. You really have no choice but to get out there and sell yourself by ANY mechanism.
And you have to be *CONSTANTLY* advertising. That and find a NICHE that you are the local specialist in recording, such as metal bands, punk bands, jazz groups, rap or whatever.

If you are the perceived 'best' place to record a certain genre of music that niche market will allow you to survive and build.

My specialty is indie/alternative/emo bands. I have the musical credibility and knowledge to work this area so the bands trust me, and I have enough recorded output in the genre to establish myself as the 'best' local area to do that in.

One thing I did about 2 years ago is offer to record a good local band that was popular for free. I did their first album and it came off pretty well. Since then I've had success getting the other punk/emo bands in the area to record -- they call me.

Early on BUST YOUR ASS to make your recordings sound as polished as possible. I still routinely spend about 10-20 hours more on a project than I charge the bands to set myself above everyone else in my locality.

I'm in the process of getting established, getting a smaller business loan (40K) to open my doors, and so on and so forth. I got out of the white collar world and now I'm working in another studio doing tracking/mixing sessions.

It's actually a great feeling to, at 33, finally be able to quit my "real" job and bring home the bacon from audio recording. And it was only 2 1/2 years ago I decided to give this a go and see where it would take me.
give away studio time as prizes. i went to battle of the bands at high schools, and gave out like 5 hours. since i offer a really low rate, i was booked solid with high school kids for a month!
Hey wall. I do that with a local thing down at Hockey Town every monday. The winner gets 3 free hours in this piece. :)

And I am in the Metro Times. Fone has been ringing :)