How can I get that Michael Bolton sound?

The Bolton "sound"

First, you will need a loose fitting blouse and tight pants, then you need a spray bottle of "tan-in-a-can", then you need hair extensions in the length range of "more than NASCAR, but not quite heavy metal". That should do it, but I would also suggest a variable speed oscillating fan, so you have options later in the mix.
the "skullit" is new to me, and I need to go change underwear now.

Back with fresh skivvies, Richie- Paul Schaeffer of the Late Show is the sole owner of the "Cheesemaster TX 5000", I think I laughed at that in the late '80s.
Has anyone ever seen Fabio and Michael Bolton in the same room at the same time???

"things that make you go... hmmmmmmm"


Velvet Elvis