How can i get a sound like this on logic pro 9?

i'm guessing you mean just the vocals?

to my ears, it sounds pretty compressed and pretty crisp with no reverb but a lot of delay.

with stock logic plugins i'd say a basic vocal chain of EQ, compression, de-essor (if needed) and then either tape delay on the track or, probably, on a bus should work fine.

in terms of EQ, every vocal track is different so my suggestions are purely a guide and may or may not work....

Low cut @ 100hz
-2db in the low mids (somewhere between 250hz and 400hz)
-2db in the "nasal" mids (somewhere between 1.2kHz and 2.5kHz)
+1 or 2db at about 4-5kHz to help the vocals cut through
maybe a gentle +1 or 2dB high shelf at 12kHz or 15kHz for some air

in terms of compression, i'd say try it as a parallel comp.

very fast attack (1-2ms)
fastish release (between 50 - 200ms)
between 4:1 and 6:1 ratio
try either the VCA or Opto circuit
aim for about -6db to -8db GR on the loudest parts
set the "mix" to 50%
set the "output distortion" to soft

if you're not sure how to adjust the last two bits, on the compressor click on the little arrow in the bottom left corner of the compressor plugin


which opens a drop down menu that looks like this


with the delay, put it on a separate bus and use a send on the vocal track to send it to the delay. play around with the speed and repeats until it works

in terms of recording, you need to make sure you're recording in a well treated space, or at least with a duvet/quilt hung behind you and some sort of reflection filter behind the mic to keep any reflections down (i'm guessing you got the sE X1 with the project reflection filter)

also, at some points, it sounds like he's recorded some lines separately on a second track to give him time to breathe between lines. i've found this works really well with rap or any other vocal track where it's very quick and with a lot of words. the hard part is making it sound natural and not accidentally step over each line

as i said, this is all just my opinion and a very basic guide. play around and see what works. i'd also say maybe have a look grabbing some extra plugins. the Stillwell 1973 eq is very clean and, although not free, the focusrite midnight suite is an awesome EQ and nice comp for £79
THANK YOU SO MUCH :0 yeah i agree theres deff no reverb..:) thank you so you think am dreaming thinking on a se x1 mic i could get this kind of sound?