How are your ears today? Hopefully my new song won't offend them!


Hi All,

I wrote this song on Sunday and have spent every evening after work recording it. Finished a mix last night. Would really appreciate any feedback with regards to mix, levels, eq etc...

Recorded in Logic Pro. Guitars (fender semi-acoustic and godin lgxt electric, fender p-bass) run through native instruments guitar rig. Vocals sung into a shure bg1.1; drums - EZDrummer pop/rock kit; izotope ozone on mix down.

Sad Song

Man, the worst part of your recording is your snare. Sounds like a stick hamering a piece of wood (in the verses) and a stick hammering a box (in the hard parts). Need to find another sample nad modify the dynamics to make it more "real". In the other hand, I find the kick pretty neat (nice body and a pinch of snap).

Vocalist could use more reverb, that track it's kinda dry. Guitars fit well on the mix. Fix the snare and you'll have a killer tune.

PS: 03:20 Unexpected! Great!
Nice song, Ben!
Great arrangement, very good composition. Voice sounds very good, love that british accent....;)
My only nit is the snare in the verses, that rimshot sounds more like a ticking clock, but I'm sure you could fix that. Good tune, mate!

Joey :):):):)

Thanks both for the listens...I'm really struggling to nail the snare sound / rimshot. Dunno what i can do there, different samples don't seem to alter the 'ticking' effect. Perhaps I should just add variation to the patterns...

I actually like the snare sound in the heavier parts but then I've listened to the track too much now; I think I need to listen to some well mixed songs and concentrate on the drum parts etc...

I like this. Fits the title perfectly, I think. Nice mood throughout and as mentioned above, nicely arranged. Nice outro part too. Mmm, good stuff! (Just finished my listen :))

I'm not bothered much by any snare or vocal problems. What I did find a little lacking was a stronger hook. The fall on the 'doesn't go away' is nice and has stayed with me, but it could benefit from another melodic twist other than the instruments, somewhere.

S'good though - professional and well arranged!
extra hook...

It was always a bone of contention as to whether I should add an extra vocal hook...I still might I guess, but don't have any ideas currently.... Cheers!