hot rod deville for bass?


New member
i love how my bass sounds coming out of my fender hot rod deville. is there a chance this could ruin my amp? afterall, the deville is built somewhat similar to the bassman (tubes, 10" speakers, wattage), which was designed for the bass. i just don't want to ruin my speakers or anything.
the only real harm(and it's likely over time) is to the speakers... you'll be overdriving them trying to get some bottom where there is none... 2 reasons... the open back... you'll never get any bottom outta an open back... the speakers NEED the baffle... there's a reason the old bassman combo never caught on as a bass amp but is considered way cool for guitar... and the second is the speakers them selves arent designed to go that low really... and no excursion to speak of.... then again nobodies gonna spank you....cept maybe true....