Hot off the press...Show Me Something

Mercy...I think I set a new record for quickest to drop off the front page :D

I'll burn one bump on this one, then let it go.

I'd really love to know what you guys think though.


Brad - feel free to bump these things - people might be a bit pre-occupied...

The only thing I think when I hear this is MAYBE a bit more reverb on the vocals. Remember though I am a reverb addict.

Very clean mix and tight playing too, gotta like that.....

:D :) :D :)
I dig it, my friend. Only thing I might suggest is perhaps bringing the vox down just a touch at the start. Keep in mind that I'm listening through terrible speakers right now and probably shouldn't suggest anything until I listen on my monitors at home.

Great song.

Nah, B rad I have the record for non response to an item. Bump it up.
This is good. On this piece I like the dry vocal personally though the chorus may need a little wetting.
Good work.
Thanks for the feedback guys (or girls?). Sorry for the belayed response, but I had a late night gig last night.

I've reposted this song incorporating some of your suggestions and also made a few more. I changed the hi-hat, because the more I listened, the more I thought the original sounded pretty fake...this one should sound more natural.

Also, I de-essed the vocals at 5k. There's a lot of "esses" being sung in there, and it started to grate on me. I think I was able to soften them up and make them sit a little better in the mix.

ido1957 - I added just a touch more 'verb to the main vox...probably not enough to tell, but it's there. I want to keep it pretty organic, especially over the verse parts since the guitar riff is so stacatto. By the way...what radio station do I need to tune in to to listen to that groovy song of yours? :D

HeyHeyMyMy - When I was mixing this booger down, I debated on lowering the vocals a tad, so it's interesting that you mentioned that. I think the de-essing may help.

Rayc - As always, thanks for your feedback...see above about the reverb.
