Host cable length & Echo Layla 20


New member
I've got a Layla 20 bit card and my computer is set up a couple rooms away from the room with all the instruments. Anyone experimented with long cables, or several cables connected together? I remembered reading something about the topic in the manual but I coudln't find it again. I need to figure out if I'm going to have to buy another computer :-/ Thanks for your help..

I read somewhere, I think on their website that you could only use 2 cables attached together, any more and you risk messing up the signal.
Well I did some experimenting.. The longest I could get to work was a 25 ft cable with a really thick gauge (unmarked). I tried a shorter version of that same gauge connected with the 15 footer that the box came with, and it worked but there was hella noise. So I'm starting to look around for another computer ..... :-/

TexRoadkill said:

It would be cheaper to get a cable snake.

Eh perhaps, although I've seen 50 ft snakes for $400... I've already got a lot of computer parts. But anyway, I am using a stage mixer for pre-amps (Mackie 808S, great mixer), and we use this mixer live too, so I want to keep it in the room with the instruments and equipment.. This wouldn't be a problem, but it doesn't have balanced outputs. So i'm trying to keep the breakout box as close as possible to the mixer so I can use my 6 inch cables (since they aren't TRS). Plus, the guy that used to live here already had a control room set up next to the equipment room that is already all isolated with acoustic tiles. I'm pretty sure this is the way to go... I'd rather have this stuff on a seperate computer anyway, unless someone has a better suggestion
