Horrible Unmusical white Fuzz, Can i have them?


New member
Any stomp similar to DOD Punkifier?

Hello, everybody, i'm a torn pureist, i've got a tele, twin reverb and mesa amp and love plugging my guitar in dry with some lovely spring reverb. I'm melody based and do think that a good written song does not need any effects to prove it's worth. But, i also like to experiment, i've been looking for some crazy fuzz pedal that will propell my guitar into some sort of white noise horridness. I've been looking for a DOD Punkifier but can't find one cause they're pretty rare now, and was wondering if any of you might know of anything sililar. I'm just looking for something that sounds broken and synthetic.

Your thoughts are appreciated as always
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The Rat can be overused to appalling effect, but I bought an Ibanez Fuzz (FZ7) specifically for its terrible sound. It also has a "Damage" knob, which you can turn up to introduce a grotesque gurgling distortion, as if there were balls of tin foil trapped between your speaker and grille cloth.
If you can find a DOD Buzz Box... that is an amazing little pedal. Also, I honestly couldn't agree with ezwillis more... find some cheap toob piece that you can overdrive.
i know nady made some some tube stompboxes back in the day that had to be pretty bad sounding. you can search for them on ebay.
hah, lol, i really was just about to buy a behringer ultradistortion pedal £13, man sorry behringer, your stomps arent bad enough to create the ultimate badness i'm looking for, but not good enough to create the ultimate badness i'm looking for. I wonder if i bought and tied 10 behringer distortion pedal circuit boards together with rope and started throwing them all at ugly people's foreheads, dipped them in water, dried them out with a blow torch - i might actually get the sound i'm looking for. :eek:
Okey, here's what you need: A custom made brutal fuzz pedal.
Am I crazy? No, visit Analog man, and request a pedal made to your own needs.


A friend of mine play noise (in the vein of My bloody valentine) and he has now the almighty custom-made "Meltrandi screamer" lol
Hell, if you're truly committed to getting *the sound*, then poke some holes through your speaker cones so they flap in the wind when you play, like Link Wray did back in the day... Pedals are for wimps.
If you look on the Net you can Find Schematics for makeing your Own Effects Pedals and the ones that I have seen are Pretty Simple to make and Run off of Batteries and usually just need a PCB and an Op-amp or some Transistors and a Few Resistors,Caps and Diodes.....

There are also Plans for Tube Pedals and you can make Delay pedals and other effects Pedals....

Yeah, i've been doing that, the only problem is getting the parts, like i built a fuzz face (dead easy to build) bought the components along with some germainium transistors, i got the exact coded transistors but when bulit i had to thrash the guitar strings to get any sound out of it, and when i did get a sound it sounded like a, woman farting. It's not the sound i'm looking for. I thought i built the circuit wrong so i replaced the transistors with BC108Cs and reverse polarised everything for NPN hard clipping version of the fuzz face and it worked perfectly.
The point being, even buying the exact parts for DIY effects pedals you are far from garanteed any success. Also the Punkifier diagram schematic i found is too ambiguos in the way each opamp is powered, i dont really understand it to be quite honest, because it's showing a both dual opamps with seperate power supplys, which isn't possable for the dual opamp part No. given.

Sorry i'm dyslexic & cant spell, idiot was probably the better explanation. :o
Minion said:
If you look on the Net you can Find Schematics for makeing your Own Effects Pedals and the ones that I have seen are Pretty Simple to make and Run off of Batteries and usually just need a PCB and an Op-amp or some Transistors and a Few Resistors,Caps and Diodes.....

There are also Plans for Tube Pedals and you can make Delay pedals and other effects Pedals....

Sounds rather 'McGyver' don't you think?
j-boy said:
Sounds rather 'McGyver' don't you think?

Yes, I guess it is ...

You might not know this But many Musicians also do electronix and build there own Equipment...
There are lots of reasons why poeple do it From intrest in doing it them selves or trying to get a Certain Sound that they can"t get from Consumer electronics or being too poor to buy equipment so building it yourself can save you a Lot of money.....

I have Built Microphones and a 48v Phantom Supply for Condenser mics and am in the process of Building a Guitar Pre-amp and a Mic pre-amp and I have only been into electronix for a couple of months and before that I didn"t know anything about electronix....

There is a Lot of info on the net if you ever want to try a DYI project and there are lots of DYI Kits you can get for Building amps and effects units ect....
