Hoontech DSP24 value or Audiophile 2496?


New member
Now I've decided to buy either DSP24 value or AP 2496. Give me some experiences and recommendations both of these cards. Also it would be great to actually hear some of recordings (24bit quality)!

Finally, can I connect XLR mics into these cards somehow?

Thanks again...
Both are similar but the Audiophile is generally better liked and has good drivers.

With my Audiophile card I use a small Beh mixer ( MX802) to get the signals in and out and also act as a good headphone amp but any small mixer from Spirit etc would do.

The Beh has inputs for 4 balanced mics plus phantom power etc. and is available for pocket money prices.
I have a hoontech card,but it is the big brother c-port with the breakout box.Same sound quality though.Here is a clip of my band recorded with the hoontech at 24 bit.
Hallatar said:
can I connect XLR mics into these cards somehow?

no...for this kind of thing there is, e.g.: omni studio, aardvark q10 , MOTU stuff, among others..